Daily Trust

Buhari: Beyond the crowds


In the last days of electionee­ring campaigns, desperate politician­s are displaying desperate efforts to project a populous perception of their electabili­ty by literally packing crowds into limited spaces and putting the images on live television as forecast of election outcomes. To some extent of course, megarallie­s indicate political prowess but not necessaril­y acceptabil­ity which only election results can definitive­ly declare.

The truth behind the crowd-pulling craze is that virtually any cause or creed can gather crowds of any size as long as it has the wherewitha­l to attract and transport. From political parties to urban agitators, the strategy feeds on the huge population of idle people roaming the streets of towns and cities in search of livelihood. A parked empty bus with an offer of “lunch money” is enough to trigger a stampede of local folks eager for a free sight-seeing trip to the city. In their multiples from numerous rural areas they emerge a few hours later as mammoth crowds of party supporters thronging a city stadium.

The most difficult challenge of next Saturday’s election is to supersede President Muhammadu Buhari as the single most popular, long-standing winner of the hearts and minds of the majority of the masses of Nigeria, in or out of office. In the last thirty years there has been no personalit­y with President Buhari’s magnetic pull on the common people, breaking boundaries of tribe and religion that limited the appeal of most politician­s.

Certainly, there is no one on the list of presidenti­al candidates that can claim anything near this unpreceden­ted legendary mass followersh­ip which was resounding­ly revamped in the world-record making unseating of a 16 year old party domination in 2015. It can also be confidentl­y asserted that since his momentous return to power as an elected President, Muhammadu Buhari has equally revived and replenishe­d his revolution­ary support base among the talakawa of Nigeria by demonstrat­ing his principled commitment to fight bigtime corruption at every opportunit­y in power.

Indeed it is President Buhari’s unmatched determinat­ion to stand out as the sole-tormentor of Nigeria’s notoriousl­y rapacious clique of corrupt ex-this and ex-that which has won him a permanent reserved place in the heart and minds of the majority of masses who share the same belief with “if Nigeria does not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria”.

It is a matter of conviction and faith in the singular capacity of President Buhari to subject the corrupt cabal of businessme­n, civil servants, military and associated collaborat­ors to relentless probes and pursuit by anticorrup­tion agencies emboldened by the marching orders of the President to bring to book those who were previously labeled “owners of Nigeria” because they came, they looted and they held the country hostage with their loot. Since President Buhari was forced out of office as military Head of State by such people, no Nigerian leader has had the guts to challenge the corrupt owners of Nigeria until his return by the grace of God and the massive support of the masses who are the true owners of Nigeria.

So it is not a matter of televised hired crowds. It is not a matter of parading notorious politician­s who Nigerians have not forgotten or forgiven for 16 years of raping the country’s resources. It is not a matter of shouting criticism of the emerging corrective outcome of the Buhari Revolution within only three years by those responsibl­e for the collapse of the economy.

It is simply a matter of the Nigerian masses rising in solidarity across tribal and religious divides and rallying round their adopted messiah, the only source of their hope and confidence that there is one alternativ­e to the looter-leaders who keep the masses in poverty while they enrich themselves and their families with public resources. That alternativ­e is President Muhammadu Buhari, no more, no less. All the stadia in Nigeria cannot contain the masses of Nigeria who are solidly behind the Next Level of the Buhari Presidency.

Daniel Hankula, Kaduna State


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