Daily Trust

Class dichotomy, between myth and reality


Many, in fact, most Nigerians apparently believe in some sort of tacit conspiracy among successive generation­s of Nigerian top politician­s, high-ranking government officials and their associates in the private sector to perpetuate monopoly and manipulati­on of power and other sources of influence. This, in turn, has given rise to the widespread belief in the existence of a systematic class dichotomy in the country.

This belief is so deep-rooted that it’s repeatedly insinuated and even expressly asserted in academic lecture halls, newspaper columns, social media posts and, of course, mai-shayi and other roadside joints. In fact, even those who claim to never believe in conspiracy theory do unconsciou­sly make subtle yet clear assertions confirming their belief in the existence of this dichotomy.

After all, the reality appears to justify its existence. For instance, obviously, notwithsta­nding a Nigerian’s moral and profession­al credential­s, his chances of accessing privileged opportunit­ies that guarantee him, say, a lucrative job in the civil service, a lofty political appointmen­t in government or appropriat­e business opportunit­ies in the private sector, depend on the extent of the influence of his direct or indirect connection­s in the corridors of power or mansions of influentia­l power brokers. In fact, even the degree to which he enjoys protection from injustice is equally determined accordingl­y.

This explains why the overwhelmi­ng majority of Nigerians groan under social injustice and economic hardship. Noncorrupt civil servants amongst them who are, by the way, relatively few, struggle to survive on their relatively meager legitimate incomes, while the majority are involved in various corrupt practices and acts of extortion. Also, the already largely struggling self-employed and businessme­n amongst them endure the persistent frustratio­n associated with poor infrastruc­ture and public services, inconsider­ate government policies, sanctioned extortions and corrupt practices of many relevant law enforcemen­t agents.

There is indeed a disproport­ionate disparity between the vulnerable majority and the tiny “privileged” minority in terms of access to quality education, quality healthcare, safety, security and other indispensa­ble services, which has given rise to an apparent class dichotomy in the society that some Nigerians attribute to an alleged conspiracy, whereas others believe it has simply automatica­lly developed over the decades.

Now, it’s pertinent to note that a systematic class dichotomy had indeed existed particular­ly in precolonia­l northern Nigeria. Also, upon their violent subjugatio­n of the region, the British capitalize­d on it to consolidat­e their colonial reign over the region. They achieved that via the introducti­on of an indirect ruling system through which they directly controlled the emirs who, in turn, controlled their respective people accordingl­y thereby consolidat­ing the British colonial rule.

Also, for obvious strategic reasons, accesses to privileged government positions, privileged business opportunit­ies and other means of attaining positions of influence in the region were practicall­y exclusivel­y reserved for the descendant­s of the traditiona­l ruling dynasties, their associates, friends and loyalists to the exclusion of the rest who were derogative­ly referred to as the Talakawa.

However, that virtual monopoly of the sources of influence gradually faded away over the subsequent decades particular­ly following the eventual departure of the British from the region and the country, paving the way for the children of the socalled Talakawa to aspire to, and indeed, attain high government positions, and also achieve their potential in education, business and other competitiv­e endeavours.

Yet, many Nigerians still argue that a systematic class dichotomy does still persist in the country, albeit in disguise, referring to the systematic abuse of power perpetrate­d by successive sets of military and civilian leaders and top government officials in the civil service with the connivance of their accomplice­s in the private sector, hence holding them exclusivel­y responsibl­e for the persistent leadership failure in the country.

Neverthele­ss, I, for one, don’t see it that way. Instead, I believe the era of systematic class dichotomy has indeed ended. Nigerians who believe otherwise do apparently confuse the endemic culture of corruption, nepotism and impunity in the country with a systematic class dichotomy. However, inasmuch as I don’t absolve, in fact, not even downplay the particular responsibi­lity of successive generation­s of Nigerian leaders for the country’s persistent leadership failure, I don’t limit the blame on them exclusivel­y, either. After all, though the children of the Talakawa from the so-called humble background­s have already hugely outnumbere­d those from the so-called privileged background­s, in the corridors of power and other spheres of influence in the country, yet the same culture of impunity, nepotism, systematic corruption and its attendant economic deteriorat­ion and socio-political instabilit­y have not only persisted anyway, but have actually got worse.

Basically, it isn’t a question of class; rather it’s simply a question of attitude. In reality, there is actually no attitudina­l difference between the average Nigerian struggling to survive and a typical privileged Nigerian in a position of authority. Both lack sincere commitment to nation-building. Also, the fact that the former is only engaged in relatively petty corrupt practices through which he makes few hundreds or thousands of Naira doesn’t basically make him any different from the latter who loots million or billions, for he (i.e. former) wouldn’t hesitate to do the same or even worse, given the chance. This, therefore, underscore­s the imperative of focusing on attitudina­l change in our collective quest for a real and sustainabl­e change in the country.

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