Daily Trust

Undergradu­ate pursued by cult group cries out from hiding

- From Victor Sorokwu, Asaba

An undergradu­ate, Mr Peter Onwughai from Idumuje Unor community in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta state who has been in hiding from assailants suspected to be a dreaded campus cult group, has cried out for help to enable him come out from his hiding and lead a normal life.

According his elder brother, Mr. James Onwughai, the victim was forced into a fugitive life since 27th March 2013, when he turned down overtures from the cult group to join them in the campus during his final year in the university.

He narrated that his younger brother’s ordeal began when his roommate, a suspected cultist, attempted to lure Peter into their cult group, divulging the cult group’s high calibre of membership, influence, patronage, occultic involvemen­t and underworld operations.

“Ever since then, his life has been in danger as this unidentifi­ed occultic group has continued to seek his life for sacrifice and rituals, accusiing him of “knowing too much about them”, only to turn the group down at the point of initiation.

“For safety of this dear life, he fled from campus to our hometown, Idumuje Unor and to different states in the country but all to no avail as he is pursued by his assailants everywhere he fled for refuge”, James Onwughai lamented.

He said the victim, Mr Peter Onwughai had since December 2013 ended contact with his family in order to be free from the hands of the occult assailants, except for very discreet but seldom communicat­ion with his elder brother, James Onwughai.

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