Daily Trust

Tijjaniyya leader tasks members on adherence to sect’s teachings

- From Yusha’u A. Ibrahim (Kano) & Aliyu M. Hamagam (Dutse)

The leader of Tijjaniyya sect in Africa, Sheikh Umarul Futi, has called on the followers of the sect to desist from any act capable of tarnishing the sect’s good image.

Sheikh Futi made the appeal through Sheikh Muhammad Makki Ibn Amadu TAL at the annual meeting of Tijjaniyya followers held in Yanleman, Jigawa State, saying leaders of the sect had noticed with dismay that a section of followers of Tijjaniyya in Nigeria had introduced some practices which were completely against Islam.

He said, “It is unfortunat­e that some Tijjaniyya members have developed the habit of prostratin­g before their leaders in the name of respect. Another innovation introduced into the sect by these members is beating the chest and jumping while performing Zikr. All these are un-Islamic and are against the true teachings of Tijjaniyya sect. Prostratio­n is an act of worship which is done to Allah alone and not to fellow human beings.”

Sheikh Futi also condemned the attitude of some members who he said had gradually turned the sect into a business venture.

“I want to draw your attention to the fact that Tijjaniyya sect is not a business venture or means of enriching self. Rather, it is a sect purely for propagatin­g the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah of the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is unfortunat­e that some followers have turned the sect into a business venture,” he said, adding that anything condractin­g the Qur’an and Hadith was not part of Tijjaniyya.

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