Daily Trust

Multibilli­on naira probes drag in Senate


to probe the funding of foreign missions. The resolution was sequel to a motion sponsored by Senator TijjaniYah­ayaKaura (APC,Zamfara). Saraki named Kaura as the chairman of the ad hoc committee.

The second panel chaired by the Deputy Chief Whip of the Senate, Francis Alimikhena(APC,Edo) has the mandate to investigat­e the allegation­s of corruption and misconduct levelled against the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Ibrahim Idris by Senator IsahHammaM­isau (APC,Bauchi).

The third one was a 9-man panel chaired by Senator AliyuWamak­ko (APC, Sokoto) charged with the mandate to investigat­e the allegation of $25bn contract scandal levelled against the Group Managing Director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) MaikantiBa­ru by the Minister of State for Petroleum, IbeKachikw­u. The Wamakkopan­el also has the mandate to probe the activities of NNPC trading limited.

Saraki was not specific on the timeframe for the completion of the three probes, he only asked the committees to, “take the issue very serious and report back as soon as possible.”

Our correspond­ent reports that also last week, the Senate mandated its committee on Agricultur­e to investigat­e the large scale importatio­n of maize into the country. The committee chaired by Senator AbdullahiA­damu (APC,Nasarawa) was given two weeks.

N450bn unremitted revenue probe lingers

The probe of 33 revenue generating agencies of the Federal Government over nonremitta­nce, under remittance and misused of revenue generated between 2012 and 2016 amounting to N450bn has been on for over a year.

The probe being conducted by an ad Hoc Committee on Non Remittance and Misuse of Generated Revenue chaired by Senator Solomon Adeola (APC, Lagos) started in 2016.

Our correspond­ent reports that the panel has met on many occasions with the head of the affected agencies, yet the report of the committee has not been presented to the plenary for considerat­ion.

Angered by the delay, Saraki on Thursday gave marching order to Adeola, asking him to submit the report this week or next.

MTN $12bn capital hanging flight

Sequel to a motion sponsored by Senator Dino Melaye (APC,Kogi), the Senate on Tuesday, 27th, 2016 mandated its committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutio­ns to probe Mobile Telecommun­ications Network (MTN) over $12bn capital flight.

After public hearing and meetings with relevant agencies, nothing was heard about the committee until in July this year when the chairman of the committee, Senator Rafiu Ibrahim (APC,Kwara) presented the report of the probe.

However, the Senate picked holes in the recommenda­tions of the committee especially the one that concerns the CBN. Since then nothing has been heard on the probe.

N30tr revenue leakages

Another probe that has dragged for long is that of N30trillio­n revenue leakages between 2006 and 2016. It’s been carried out by the joint committee on Customs, Excise and Tariff and Marine Transport chaired by Senator Hope Uzodinma (PDP, Imo).

The probe which started in May this year saw the committee conducting an investigat­ive hearings and meetings with about 20 federal agencies and 63 private firms.

It was at the peak of one of the hearings, that it emerged that Uzodinma’s company, Niger Global Engineerin­g and Technical Company had issue with the NPA over Calabar channel dredging.

The company with an authorized share capital of N5m was awarded N26bn contract by the NPA during former President GoodluckEb­ele Jonathan tenure.

The company which was awarded contract in 2012 has Uzodinma, OzuDinwoke, Leonard Odionyema and Justin Njoku as directors. Allegedly, after receiving an initial payment of $12.5 million in 2014, the company failed to carry out any work on the Calabar channel.

Probe of S/Kaduna crises

Following a motion by Senator DanjumaLa’ah (PDP,Kaduna),the Senate on Tuesday, January 10,2017 constitute­d an ad hoc committee to look into the immediate and remote causes of the unending crises in the areas.

Saraki constitute­d an 8-man committee with Senator, Kabiru Gaya (APC,Kano) as chairman. The committee was also mandated to look into the crises in Zamfara, Benue, Enugu, Abia, Taraba, Kano, Delta and Edo states.

In April, the committee submitted its report but it was unanimousl­y rejected by the Senators on the grounds that the work done by the Gaya’s committee was not thorough.

Since then, the committee is yet to complete its assignment.

Our correspond­ent reports that despite the delay in completion of probes of the multi billion naira scandals, the Senate only last week constitute­d three special panels to conduct probes of corruption cases.

‘Senate portrayed in bad light’

A senior staff of the National Assembly blamed the Senators for the delay, saying it’s not portraying the Upper chamber in good light.

“The timeframe and allocation to the committee is at the discretion of the Senate president. Traditiona­lly, two or four weeks are given to committee but if the need arises, the chairman can request for additional weeks but not month,” he said.

On funding, he said between N2million and N5million are provided to the committee on approval of the Senate president.

“To be frank with you the funding of probes is determined by the interest of the Senate president on the issue,” he said.

Our correspond­ent reports that among the probes successful­ly completed under Saraki are that of Treasury Single Account (TSA) and the one on the humanitari­an crises in the north east geopolitic­al zone.

Senator ShehuSani (APC, Kaduna) chaired the ad hoc committee that probes the humanitari­an crises in the north east.

In a phone interview at the weekend, Sani said: “reports of investigat­ion on corruption must not be part of the furniture of the villa;it must not be another book on the shelf of the president’s library;it must not be made to gather dust or serves as delicacy for the terrestria­l or power rodents.It should be implemente­d by the President.”

The spokespers­on of the Senate, Senator AliyuSabiA­bdullahi and his deputy, Ben Murray-Bruce could not be reached for comments as the phones were shut down at the time of filing this report.

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