Daily Trust

Detained Kaduna cleric regains freedom

- From Isa Sa’idu, Zaria

he Islamic cleric, who was allegedly abducted by security personnel at Saminaka, Lere Local Government Area of Kaduna State, last week, has regained freedom.

Sheikh Muhammad Bello Adam Saminaka was picked up from his residence in Anguwan Sabon Layi, Saminaka on Friday, January 9, and his whereabout­s was unknown, as security agents in the state denied knowledge of his abduction.

Speaking with Daily Trust, spokespers­on of the Jama’atu Izalatil Bid’a Wa’iqamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS) in Kaduna State, Isma’il Husaini, said Sheikh Saminaka was detained at the state headquarte­rs of the State Security Service (SSS).

“He was picked up on suspicion of having links with a suspect that is in the custody of the SSS.

Of course, the security agents have right to arrest anyone that is suspected of involvemen­t in criminal activities, but what we found unpleasant was the fact that they refused to disclose his offence and whereabout­s. I think arrest should not be conducted in an abduction-like manner, since they are constituti­onally allowed to carry out the act,” he said.

Speaking with Daily Trust at the weekend, Sheikh Saminaka expressed gratitude to Allah for his release, saying that the Izala movement would not be deterred in preaching what he called strict adherence to Islamic jurisprude­nce.

The Izala group said they were weighing the option of claiming damages for the arrest of one of their top clerics.

 ??  ?? Adamu Maina Waziri addressing supporters at the flag-off of his campaign in Damaturu at the weekend.
Adamu Maina Waziri addressing supporters at the flag-off of his campaign in Damaturu at the weekend.

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