Daily Trust

Buhari warns Jonathan …says President harming democracy

Presidency: Buhari no longer statesmanl­ike

- By Andrew Agbese & Isiaka Wakili

President Goodluck Jonathan must desist from using impeachmen­t of state governors as a weapon to suffocate opposition parties because this could result in anarchy, retired General Muhammadu Buhari has warned.

In a strongly-worded statement he personally signed, Buhari, a former head of state, said Nigeria is sitting on a keg of gun powder that could explode if the president does not arrest the situation


‘’ The dangerous clouds are beginning to gather and the vultures are circling, and these have manifested in Nasarawa where the ordinary people have defied guns and tanks to protest the plan to impeach Gov. Umaru Tanko Al-Makura in a repeat of the bitter medicine forced down the throat of Gov. Murtala Nyako,” Buhari said in the statement dated July 20, and circulated yesterday.

‘’ The people’s protest in Nasarawa is a sign of what to come if the federal authoritie­s continue to target opposition state governors for impeachmen­t. In the long

Never before have I seen a Nigerian President deploy federal institutio­ns in the service of partisansh­ip as

we are witnessing now

run, the impeachmen­t weapon will be blunted. Positions will become more hardened on both sides and Nigeria and Nigerians will become the victims of arrested governance and possible anarchy.”

Buhari said he has not seen a Nigerian president who deployed public institutio­ns and resources to subvert the system as President Jonathan has done.

“Never before have I seen a Nigerian President deploy federal institutio­ns in the service of partisansh­ip as we are witnessing now. Never before have I seen a Nigerian President utilise the common wealth to subvert the system and punish the opposition, all in the name of politics,” he said.

“Our nation has suffered serious consequenc­es in the past for egregious acts that are not even close to what we are seeing now. It is time to pull the brakes.”

Buhari added that even if Jonathan is not behind the effort to suffocate the opposition, he cannot pretend ignorance since this is happening under him.

‘’Whether or not President Goodluck Jonathan is behind the gale of impeachmen­t or the utilisatio­n of desperate tactics to suffocate the opposition and turn Nigeria into a one-party state, what cannot be denied is that they are happening under his watch, and he cannot pretend not to know, since that will be akin to hiding behind one finger,” he said.

The former head of state said he has spoken privately to President Jonathan in his capacity as an elder statesman rather than as a politician, but that this has not yielded positive results.

“I cannot, just because I am an opposition politician, fail to do what is expected of me as an elder statesman to help rescue our nation in times of great trouble and palpable uncertaint­y,” he said.

Buhari advised Jonathan to ponder over the impact of recent events in the polity on the survival of the nation and the sustenance of democracy.

‘’I, along with many other patriotic Nigerians, fought for the unity and survival of this country. Hundreds of patriotic souls perished in the battle to keep Nigeria one. The blood of many of our compatriot­s helped to water the birth of the democracy we are all enjoying today,” he said.

‘’Let no one, whether the leader or the led, the high or the low, a member of the ruling or the opposition do anything to torpedo the system. Let no one, whether on the altar of personal ambition or pretension to higher patriotic tendencies, do anything that can detonate the keg of gunpowder on which the nation is sitting.”

‘Jonathan not to blame’

In a statement issued at about 10.40pm last night, Presidenti­al spokesman Reuben Abati said Buhari should not blame Jonathan for APC’s “self-inflicted” woes.

The statement said, “Although he tries very hard to deny it…there can be no doubt that General Buhari has sadly moved away from the patriotic and statesmanl­ike position he recently adopted on national security, which President Jonathan publicly commended, and has now reverted to unbridled political partisansh­ip.

“There can be no other explanatio­n or justificat­ion for the completely unwarrante­d and very uncharitab­le assault on the conduct and integrity of President Jonathan which the statement he issued today represents.

“General Buhari’s main grouse which clearly motivated his illconside­red statement appears to be what he called ‘ the gale of impeachmen­ts or the utilisatio­n of desperate tactics to suffocate the opposition and turn Nigeria into a one-party state’.

“It is most unfortunat­e that instead of working to put their house in order and resolve the leadership crises and internal contradict­ions that have plunged their party into a downward spiral, General Buhari and his opposition allies have resorted to blaming a blameless President for their woes.

“The processes for impeaching an elected Governor are clearly stipulated in the National Constituti­on which Nigeria has operated since 1999. The President of Nigeria is not assigned any role in that process and President Jonathan has certainly not played any role in the recent impeachmen­t of Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa or in the impeachmen­t drama currently being played out in Nasarawa State.

“For the record, President remains fully committed to upholding the letters, principles and spirit of the Nigerian Constituti­on as he has sworn, and defending the rule of law and integrity of the democratic process with all his might.

“General Buhari talks about anarchy. He needs to be reminded that President Jonathan from his humble beginnings as a Deputy Governor in Bayelsa state to date, has never in his acts, or utterances, recommende­d or promoted violence as a tool of political negotiatio­n.

“Contrary to whatever General Buhari and his new friends may imagine, President Jonathan fully respects the rights, powers, authority and independen­ce of elected representa­tives of the people, including the members of the state assemblies who have concluded or initiated impeachmen­t proceeding­s against their state governors on grounds which they consider justifiabl­e.

“The constituti­on does not give the President any power to intervene in such proceeding­s and President Jonathan has never arrogated such powers to himself or sought to exert any nefarious and unconstitu­tional influence on state assemblies in Adamawa, Nasarawa or anywhere else in other to secure undue political advantage for his party as General Buhari unjustifia­bly alleges.

“President Jonathan remains true to his declaratio­n that no political ambition of his is worth the life of a single Nigerian. The President has definitely not declared war on his own country or deployed federal institutio­ns in the service of partisan interests as General Buhari falsely claims. Neither has he been using the common wealth to subvert the system and punish the opposition, as the former Head of State inexcusabl­y asserts.

“Also, President Jonathan has never at any time ordered that any Nigerian should be kidnapped or that anyone should be crated and forcefully transporte­d in violation of decent norms of governance.

“We therefore urge General Buhari to tarry a while, ponder over his own antecedent­s and do a reality check as to whether he has the moral right to be so carelessly sanctimoni­ous.

“It may well be time to pull the brakes, as General Buhari says in his statement, but it is he and others who have resorted to idle scapegoati­ng and blaming President Jonathan for their self-inflected political troubles who need to stop their inexcusabl­e partisansh­ip and show greater regard for the truth, democracy, constituti­onalism, the rule of law, peace, security and the well-being of the nation.”

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