Daily Trust

Appeal Court, bids Justice Nwodo farewell

- By Adelanwa Bamgboye

The Acting President of the Court of Appeal (PCA), Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa and the President of the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n Okey Wali SAN last Tuesday described late Justice Regina Obiageli Nwodo as an incorrupti­ble judge with unimpeacha­ble integrity.

They stated this while speaking at a valedictor­y court session in honour of late Justice Regina Obiageli Nwodo, which took place Tuesday at the Court of Appeal, Abuja.

Those present at the valedictor­y court session included representa­tive of the Attorney General of the Federation, Judges of Superior Courts, Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SANs) as well as legal practition­ers.

In her speech, Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa said that the late jurist was a firm believer in the sanctity of the court. “She was always of the opinion that the court is an instrument that ought not to speculate on issues or go on a voyage of discovery.”

In his address, Okey Wali SAN, President of the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n NBA, said that the late jurist exhibited impeccable character and unflinchin­g integrity to which members of the bar and bench can attest.

“She was a champion of human rights and an advocate of the rights of oppressed irrespecti­ve of gender,” the NBA President said.

Late Justice Regina Obiageli Nwodo died in the early hours of Tuesday 6th Agust , 2013 at the age of 55. She was born on 1 st November, 1958 in Onisha, Anambra State. She was called to the Nigerian bar in June 1983. In 1990 while still a Chief Magistrate, she was admitted to London School of Economics, University of London where she obtained a masters degree in Law.

In October 1998, she was appointed a High Court Judge in Enugu State and elevated to the Court of Appeal Bench on 15 th February, 2008 where she served in various divisions of the court including Lagos and Abuja divisions.

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