Daily Trust

Nigeria@53: Lagos Chamber worries over fuel imports

- From Mohammed Shosanya, Lagos

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry(LCCI) has expressed concern over the country’s importatio­n of petroleum products 53years after its independen­ce.

Its President,Goodie Ibru,in his Independen­ce message said Nigeria’s spend of billion dollars on importatio­n of products denies the economy of the much needed foreign exchange and the tremendous multiplier effects which domestic refining of petroleum products would have offered the economy.

He said the economy is hindered by serious issues of infrastruc­ture deficits, especially with regards to power supply, currently at less than 4000 megawatts; transporta­tion, logistics, the quality of institutio­ns, cost and access to funds etc.

All these,he said, have combined to create a burden of competitiv­eness for domestic enterprise­s.

He advised that Nigeria should accelerate necessary reforms to fix its infrastruc­ture, diversify the economy, strengthen its institutio­ns and reduce corruption.

According to him,there should be a correlatio­n between wealth accumulati­on and value creation in order to entrench the right values in the society.

He said:’’As citizens of this great country, we need to constantly engage the leadership at all levels in order to improve governance quality. Democracy is a process, not an event. Therefore the citizens have a critical role to play in making the democratic process work for them’’.

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