Daily Trust

Obama, Putin congratula­te Nigeria at 53

- By Austine Odo & Romoke W. Ahmad

United States President Barack Obama has congratula­ted Nigeria on her 53rd independen­ce anniversar­y.

A statement yesterday from Secretary of State John Kerry on behalf of the president said a warm friendship connects the Nigerian and American peoples, reflecting their shared values of democracy, economic growth, security, and respect for human rights and the rule of law.

“Our partnershi­p is strong because of our peoples. As the proverb tells us ‘If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’,” the statement said.

It added that in the coming years, the United States expects an advanced relationsh­ip with Nigeria as both countries expand education, jobs and opportunit­ies for their citizens.

“On the 53rd anniversar­y of your independen­ce, I wish all Nigerians a safe and prosperous future,” Obama said.

Also Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratula­ted President Goodluck Jonathan on Nigeria’s National Day.

This was contained in a congratula­tory message made available to Daily Trust by the Russian Embassy in Abuja.

“I am confident that the relations between Russia and Nigeria, based on the principles of friendship and mutual respect, will keep on developing actively in all main directions for the benefit of our peoples and will contribute to stability and security in the African continent,” the statement said.

In another developmen­t, US Chargé d’Affaires in Nigeria Maria Brewer yesterday also congratula­ted the Federal Government on the handover of the country’s power companies to the private sector, saying the US government is proud to have contribute­d to the historic developmen­t of liberalisi­ng Nigeria’s power sector.

Reacting to presidenti­al handover of licenses and share certificat­es to new owners of the PHCN successor generation and distributi­on companies in Abuja yesterday Brewer said the ceremony marked the beginning of the transition period in which the new owners would work with the existing management of the successor companies to ensure a successful takeover and represents one of the first power Africa successes.

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