Daily Trust

Police explain arrest of Suntai’s aide, others

- From Itodo Daniel Sule, Jalingo

Taraba State Police Commission­er Jubril O. Adeniji yesterday said the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Danbaba Danfulani Suntai on Media and Publicity Sylvanus Giwa and four others were arrested on alleged offences of conspiracy, unlawful assembly and intent to cause breach of public peace.

He said on September 27, the police got informatio­n that some group of people were meeting in a place and planning to cause security breach in the state. He denied carrying out the arrest at the behest of the acting Governor Garba Umar.

The commission­er said the informatio­n the Police got was related to unlawful screening of curriculum vitae of some people by the group to be appointed as commission­ers with a view to imposing an ‘unlawful executive’ on the state.

Adeniji also said the group was equally planning to disorganis­e the Taraba State House of assembly. He further said some documents which have incriminat­ing con- tents were recovered from the suspects during the arrest. He said upon getting the informatio­n, the police checked places and eventually got to Sinaf Hotel in Mile 6 at about 12 midnight where they met Suntai’s spokesman Silvanus Giwa and four others holding a meeting at an “ungodly hour”.

The four other persons arrested according to CP Adeniji include; Abdulhamid Ibrahim, Elkabir Dio Mohammed, Anderi Indore and Rimanrandi­ng Philip Kamishi.

He said the suspects have made useful statements to the police and were granted bail on Sunday but to later return to the command for further questionin­g. He said they would be charged to court as soon as investigat­ion into the matter is concluded.

“The insinuatio­n that I’m being used by the acting governor is not correct. It is my duty to ensure that public peace is not disturbed. The acting governor has nothing to do with the arrest,” he said.

Adeniji warned that the police would be ruthless with anybody that wants to cause breach of the law no matter how highly placed the person is in the society.

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