Daily Trust Sunday

Transition­ing from relaxed to natural hair


Having relaxed hair can be pretty stressful, most especially giving it the exact care and attention it needs. Some opt for the simpler and easier alternativ­e when going natural; cutting it all off and doing the big chop. The transition journey is not an easy one. But the end result will leave you with healthier hair that is completely yours to manipulate the way you choose. Here we have a step-by-step guide on how to carry out that journey of transition­ing from relaxed to natural without doing the big chop.

Get a good trim: Getting rid of all those dead, thin and split ends will ease your transition process by a lot. The longer you transition, the more brittle they will become so you might as well let them go now because they will break anyway.

Avoid direct heat: Deciding not to use heat on your hair will be one of your best choices for your natural hair. It will stay healthy and retain length too. Using flat irons and the like on your hair will only fry and damage it more.

Trim your hair regularly: A quarter of an inch will do the trick. The healthier your ends are, the easier it will be to complete your long-term transition.

Prepoo before washing your hair: Prepooing is basically moisturizi­ng your hair before you shampoo it. This strengthen­s your hair and helps prevent breakage. As you get further into the transition, your ends will getweaker. You will notice a lot of breakage most especially when you wash your hair.

Deep condition every week: Deep conditioni­ng is what keeps your hair whether relaxed or natural healthy as you transition. It also helps you retain moisture most especially during the harmattan months when hair tends to break the most. Ensure that you distribute the product from the roots of your hair to the very tips.

Moisturize: This is probably the most important step for transition­ing. Keeping your hair moisturize­d is essential because dry hair will certainly lead to breakage. Moisturizi­ng your hair is quite simple and easy. If your hair is thick, try to find products with a thick, creamy consistenc­y and make sure one of the first ingredient­s is water. Also, spray your hair with water sparsely every now and then to make sure that your hair retains the moisture all the time. Dry hair cannot and will not grow.

HAFSAH ABUBAKAR MATAZU tambari@dailytrust. com and tag it as Tambari giveaway. QUESTION 2:

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