Daily Trust Sunday

...Osoba faction goes to court

- From Kehinde Akinyemi, Abeokuta

Afaction of the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC), loyal to a former governor in Ogun State, Chief Olusegun Osoba, has instituted legal suit against the faction loyal to Governor Ibikunle Amosun over the ward and local government congresses in the State.

Sunday Trust gathered that both factions participat­ed in yesterday’s local government congress which indicated that the governor’s faction had control of the exercise conducted in all the 20 local government areas.

But, Governor Amosun has dismissed report of crisis in the party, declaring that he would everything possible to ensure unity and progress as the party planned for the 2015 general elections.

Reports from the 20 council areas indicated that the two factions conducted parallel council congresses whose results were still being awaited as at the time of this filing this report.

The Osoba faction, in a suit filed before Justice Kafarati of Federal High Court, Abuja had challenged the legality of the ward congress held last week.

Senator Gbenga Obadara, who spoke with newsmen in Abeokuta, said “since those elected at the ward level had no legal standing, the local government congress held by Amosun faction cannot also stand.”

But, Amosun, while responding to the legal issue, said, “as the governor, there is no faction. We are one. As the governor, I will continue to ensure to that we are one. I will do everything possible to make sure that we are united.”

The governor, who spoke at Obafemi-Owode local government, venue of the congress, said there was no report of any parallel congress because he went to “the council areas to see things personally.”

The Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Suraj Adekunmbi in a telephone interview, said the situation “is okay at Ayetoro in Yewa North local government area”.

 ??  ?? APC Members at the Ibadan North West Local Government Congress on Saturday
Pic: NAN
APC Members at the Ibadan North West Local Government Congress on Saturday Pic: NAN

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