Daily Trust Saturday



Akon Obo was a very poor man, he made baskets and traps out of bamboo palm, when the river went down, he used to take his traps to a pool and set them baited with palm-nuts. Atnight, when the big sh moves close to smell the palm-nuts, they got trapped.

Akon Obo would go and take the sh out. He was very successful in his shing, and used to sell the sh in the market for plenty of money. When he could afford to pay the dowry, he married his wife and they had three children. Although he was successful, he continued shing. The eldest son was called Odey, the second Yambi, and the third Atuk. When they grew up, they helped their father with his shing, and he employed plenty workers.

One day, Akon Obo was crossing the river in a small dugout canoe, a whirlwind came on very suddenly, and the canoe capsized.

When his sons heard of it, they called their company together. They searched and searched for the king, but could not nd him, they all became tired and went back home.

The king although weak from the accident, sighted a golden sh in the dark water. He swim towards its direction and tried to catch the sh. The golden sh kept on moving further. Further and further it went. After seven hours, the sher man wanted to give up, but he was determined to catch the golden sh.

The next seven minutes, the golden sh stopped to allow the sherman catch it, but sher man realized he was at the bank of the river. He was so excited that the golden sh led the way. Therefore everyone called him the lucky sherman.

What lessons have you learnt from the story?

Why is it wrong to give up? What would you try not to give up on?

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