Woman's Day (New Zealand)

A sibling for Archie

Baby No.2 for Meghan


With his chubby cheeks, sparkling brown eyes and adorable gummy smile, little Archie Harrison Mountbatte­nWindsor stole the show as he joined his parents in South Africa last week.

Making his debut on his first royal tour with a visit to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the five-month-old kicked his legs and cooed in his proud mum’s arms.

In touching footage released by the notoriousl­y private Duke and Duchess of Sussex, dad Prince Harry can be heard gently whispering “Archie, Archie!” to his adorable baby boy as they approached the 87-year-old hero of the anti-Apartheid movement.

It was an historic moment for the newest royal, whose likeness to his dad as a baby was immediatel­y noticed by commentato­rs and royal fans alike.

“Everywhere they go, people say, ‘Wow, he’s just like his dad Harry!’” reveals our source on the tour. “But it’s not just his features that are similar. He also seems to have his father’s fun, cheeky side too. He’s the happiest, most relaxed little boy – always giggling and smiling, and nothing much seems to faze him. Of course everyone they meet wants to have a cuddle, but he seems really at ease with it all.”

While all eyes were on wee Archie, who until now has been largely hidden from view, speculatio­n reached fever pitch over rumours that Meghan is already pregnant with baby number two. While the palace has yet to make an official announceme­nt, tour insiders say the 38-year-old has been positively glowing since touching down in Cape Town last week. And with what looks like a baby bump hiding under her carefully selected outfits – not to mention the duchess recycling a maternity dress first worn when she was expecting Archie – all signs point to some very happy news!

“No-one is giving anything away yet, but Harry and Meghan certainly seem extremely happy,” says the source. “There’s a genuinely excited air about them; it’s lovely to see – and Meghan certainly isn’t trying to hide her tummy.”

Falling pregnant so soon after welcoming Archie, who was born on May 6 this year, would be a dream come true for the royal couple, who’ve made no secret of their desire for more children. In fact, they’re so determined to add

to their family that they’d even lined up a visit to a Cape Town orphanage. As reported earlier in Woman’sDay, Meghan has always dreamed of adopting a child in need of a home, and she and Harry are determined to make it happen. The addition of another biological child will only add to their joy, says the source.

“They love the idea of having a ‘rainbow family’, with biological children and adopted ones who desperatel­y need safe and loving homes. Meghan’s pregnancy certainly won’t change their adoption plans.”

While the palace remains tight-lipped on the pregnancy news, there’s no doubt that the first week of the couple’s 10-day tour was seen as a great success. The embattled pair, who’ve come under fire recently for their use of private jets and lavish lifestyle, were keen to show a more compassion­ate and down-to-earth side,

and it seems it’s worked.

Leaving her expensive jewels behind – including her $320,000 diamond engagement ring – Meghan adopted a low-key look for public appearance­s.

She appeared largely make-up free as she donned a headscarf for a mosque visit, joined Harry to meet surfers on a beach for a mental health project, and danced with locals at the village of Nyanga.

During a solo visit to an organisati­on that assists mothers who have HIV, she encouraged women to join her on the floor so their babies could play. She was heard saying that if it were Archie, he’d get “crabby” being kept up on a seat away from the toys.

And it’s not just Meghan who seems more relaxed. Harry, 35, looked happier than he has in months as he undertook his official engagement­s on the continent he adores – and he and his aides were delighted with their reception.

“Meghan and Harry were viewing the trip as make or break for their image,” explains an insider. “The backlash against them over the past few months has been incredibly damaging and it’s put an intense amount of strain on them. So they were both praying that Africa would be the turning point to help turn it all around.”

While Harry knew what to expect with a tour like this, Meghan was understand­ably nervous and she went to a huge amount of effort to prepare before they left. She took as much expert advice as possible – even consulting with some of Princess Diana’s former aides and watching clips of Harry’s late mother so she could try to emulate her natural approach, claims the source.

“All the hard work seems to have paid off. Meghan’s been far more relaxed during this trip and she says it’s down to all the training. She even had coaching from her PR and media experts to tone down her ‘Americanis­ms’ in her speeches, and help her to be more authentic and relatable. Her stylist deliberate­ly toned down her looks, leaving out designer clothes in favour of recycling items and opting for casual, mid-range fashion.”

And while the doting parents had been anxious about taking their wee boy on such a big trip – even insisting on taking an entourage of close to 20 for Archie – they’ve told pals back home that he’s “thriving” on the tour. And when Meghan had afternoon tea at the home of a Cape Town family, she spoke about motherhood and admitted it had been a “smooth” transition because Archie was such an easy baby.

Adds the source, “They’re grateful that there’s no time difference between England and South Africa, so they’ve been able to maintain Archie’s routine and avoid any jetlag.

“His character has really started to shine through and he’s an incredibly sociable baby. He’s just started sitting up on his own and blowing raspberrie­s, which Harry jokes is his new party trick.

“Meghan and Harry are incredibly proud of him; they love watching him adapt and grow. And now they just can’t wait to meet his little baby brother or sister when the time comes. It’s very exciting.”

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 ??  ?? Arch meets Archie! The wee boy reaches out to touch Desmond Tutu.
Arch meets Archie! The wee boy reaches out to touch Desmond Tutu.
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 ??  ?? AUSTRALIA The dresses recycled from her 2018 tour of the Pacific had tongues wagging about a baby on board.
AUSTRALIA The dresses recycled from her 2018 tour of the Pacific had tongues wagging about a baby on board.
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