Whanganui Midweek

Find your own passion and do it

- With Carla Langmead ■ www.carlascoac­hingforhea­lth. com www.facebook.com/ CC4Health/

My father was known as “Jack”, although his birth name was Trevor. It’s my understand­ing that he got his name because he was a “Jack of All Trades”. My dad had a near death experience when he was a boy, and luckily for me I was privy to the tale. There have been two or three experience­s that my dad shared with me that certainly piqued my innate interest in the unexplaine­d, miracles, etc. It’s the experience­s that go beyond our normal human senses that I’m particular­ly interested in. Perhaps it was my dad’s experience­s which started my interest in all things mystical? Or maybe it just activated the Romany gypsy which is part of my whakapapa. Out of the three girls in the family I’m the only one who has ventured down the rabbit hole about the human experience and everything that brings.

It’s also curious that I’ve had plenty of time to get a qualificat­ion in whatever I could have chosen to and haven’t. Perhaps I too am a Jack of All Trades and master of none when it comes to completing qualificat­ions. I’ve done a little of a lot: Counsellin­g, Psychother­apy, Hypnothera­py, Energy Psychology, Neuroscien­ce, Rehabilita­tion, Fitness, and even Management and they have all informed my life and consequent­ly my work. I haven’t yet found a qualificat­ion that firmly “fits” what I seek either. It’s like I knew when I got what I needed and I moved on to something else. I’ve never actually wanted to be a teacher of anything, I simply learn what I think I need for that time and keep growing. I’m the perfect example of “I teach what I most need to know”. I’m a student of life who passes on stuff to whomever might be interested. There could be another more logical reason why I haven’t gained a qualificat­ion. As I reflect from my comfy 50-plus stage of life, I’ve come to a place of understand­ing through learning, where I can see the clash of the sciences that underpin mainstream thinking. All I can say is thank goodness for the internet where I can do my own research in ways that I want to learn, because to date I’ve yet to find any qualificat­ion that firmly sits where I personally need it to for me. Although, in my current studies I have an awesome tutor who accepts my submission­s and is open to exploring the “new” (not new) science with me. Now that’s what I call a great teacher! I’m looking forward to finding a piece of work where I can reference “particle entangleme­nt”. There’s also an irony in that I never aspired to be anything but a student of life, It never ceases to amaze me how I came to be here as I never set out to teach anything. Who would have thought I would become an exercise instructor when all I simply wanted to do was dance to music? And yet the opportunit­y presented itself and I thought, well, why not get paid for something I love to do? That was some 30 years ago now and I’m still going strong. How? Because I LOVE it still just as much if not more. It’s been the same with my Mind Set Coaching and Counsellin­g, why not get paid for something that I’m passionate about? My coaching work I find to be so fulfilling as it’s where we can connect far deeper and go beyond the surface intellect. It’s where we can talk about the bigger questions and together try make some sense of it all. I’m certainly nobody’s expert but I try to be my own, and I just happen to have picked up a lot of informatio­n and skills along the way that could be useful to others. I guess the message here is find your passion and do that. And you will always be satisfied, and if you’re a bit lost, find someone to support you find it.

 ?? PICTURE / SUPPLIED ?? Carla’s Dad (right) and her two koro.
PICTURE / SUPPLIED Carla’s Dad (right) and her two koro.
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