Whanganui Chronicle

Castlerock buys major HQTravel stake

Dan Radcliffe renews investment in internatio­nal volunteer links

- Duncan Bridgeman

Local private equity firm Castlerock has taken a majority stake in New Plymouthba­sed HQ Travel Group, which offers volunteer work and internship­s to young travellers.

Founder Dan Radcliffe has retained a significan­t shareholdi­ng having earlier sold down in 2018.

Australasi­an investment firm Mercury Capital has exited, selling its 71 per cent stake for an undisclose­d sum.

Mercury — headed by New Zealander Clark Perkins — bought its controllin­g stake in HQ Travel six years ago and last year hired Cameron Partners to run a sale.

While the cost of those shares wasn’t made public, Mercury is known to only invest in businesses with enterprise values above $50 million.

Radcliffe, New Zealand Young Entreprene­ur of the Year in 2013, set up the business known as Internatio­nal Volunteer HQ from his family’s Taranaki farm in 2007.

When Mercury took up a majority stake, his shareholdi­ng, held in a family trust, was reduced to 22.51 per cent.

It is not clear what his new direct shareholdi­ng is because the new ownership structure involves a limited partnershi­p, where ownership percentage­s are not public.

The Radcliffe family trust holds 46.5 per cent of the shares in the general partner of the LP, however, with Castlerock owning 53.5 per cent, according to Companies Office filings last week.

Castlerock is managed by the Bancorp Group, an Auckland investment bank, and is designed for wholesale, charity, and not-for-profit investors.

“We select and partner with businesses that have already grown to the point where they can sustainabl­y make distributi­ons of profit to shareholde­rs,” its website says.

Castlerock principles Andrew Paterson and Matt Willacy have joined Radcliffe as HQ Travel directors.

Last year the Australian Financial Review reported from sale documents that the business was being pitched as the world’s largest portfolio of volunteer and internship travel programmes with a scalable global reach.

It said the business has two main units — Internatio­nal Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) and Abroad HQ, which was launched in 2017. Financial informatio­n in the sale document estimated earnings before interest, tax, depreciati­on and amortisati­on (ebitda) were on track to double from about $4m in the 2023 financial year to $8m by June 2025.

Willacy said he was excited about the business and its future. The terms of the deal were confidenti­al.

He provided the Herald with a statement, which outlined HQ Travel’s activities and described the business as “one of the world’s leading providers of impact, adventure, and educationa­l travel, facilitati­ng impactful travel experience­s in over 60 countries for customers living in more than 100 countries”.

“Since 2007, IVHQ alone has helped over 137,000 individual­s of all ages to make a difference abroad.”

The company has a strong environmen­tal, social, and governance focus and has been a certified B Corporatio­n since 2015 while its business operations in New Zealand have been certified carbon neutral since 2016.

Radcliffe said : “I’m really excited to be reinvestin­g alongside Castlerock and to get more involved in the operations of the company again.

“We’ve had a few tough years coming through Covid, but the business is well set up and there’s a huge amount of opportunit­y in front of us.”

Simon Birkenhead, chief executive and investment partner said: “I’m incredibly proud that IVHQ and Intern Abroad HQ were named 2023’s top rated providers in their fields by GoAbroad and GoOverseas. Our teams around the world are excited by Castlerock’s long term investment outlook and how this will be able to support HQ Travel Group’s growth, success, and global impact.”

There’s a huge amount of opportunit­y in front of us. Dan Radcliffe

 ?? ?? Castlerock founder and 2013 New Zealand Young Entreprene­ur of the Year Dan Radcliffe in Kenya, on the trip that started his involvemen­t with volunteer work.
Castlerock founder and 2013 New Zealand Young Entreprene­ur of the Year Dan Radcliffe in Kenya, on the trip that started his involvemen­t with volunteer work.

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