Whanganui Chronicle

‘A great sense of satisfacti­on’


Water is recycled to wash the yard and the cows are milked once a day, which has halved daily water use at the dairy shed.

“We know we need a good environmen­t to farm well and we want our kids to have a great backyard.”

Hamish is active in the Wairarapa Water Users Society advocating for equitable and scientific­ally based decisions around regulation­s and compliance. The society advocates for best-practice irrigation methods and runs training and field days.

On the farm, the Hammonds have planted alongside the stream and boundaries, providing shade and shelter for animals.

“We’re committed to best practice in everything we do, including breeding the best cows and being efficient with feed and fertiliser use. We want a really sustainabl­e farming business that’s resilient to change,” Hamish Hammond says.

The couple have Master’s degrees from Massey University — Hamish in agribusine­ss and farm management, and Rachel in animal science. They decided dairy farming would be the best use of their skills.

“Farming is a great lifestyle. Running your own business means you’re in charge of your own destiny, and the work is mentally and physically rewarding.”

Hamish says that, after spending a lot of time in front of computers at university, he appreciate­s the break from the glare of screens.

The farm is right next to Greytown and Rachel says the family loves the rural/urban mix. They are keen to inspire young people from towns, cities and rural communitie­s into dairy farming.

The couple host high school students for work experience on the farm and give talks at career days. “We want to show what a great lifestyle it is to live and work on a farm and get people involved in the dairy sector,” Hamish says.

Rachel says a farm is a great place to bring up a family, with their children spending time outdoors and with animals every day. — DairyNZ

 ?? ?? Hamish and Rachel Hammonds and their two sons, George (2) and Lou (5 months).
Hamish and Rachel Hammonds and their two sons, George (2) and Lou (5 months).

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