Weekend Herald

Silver Ferns to host series against England next month


The Silver Ferns will host netball’s world No 3-ranked England in New Zealand next month in a three-test series, with all matches to be played at Christchur­ch Arena to minimise additional travel risk.

Matches are scheduled for September 20, 22 and 24 as Netball New Zealand continues to work with the Government around the evolving Covid-19 outbreak and alert levels.

England players boarded a flight on Thursday and will go into managed quarantine on arrival in Christchur­ch.

After the series, England are preparing to extend their tour across the Tasman with a series against the Australian Diamonds.

Netball New Zealand, England Netball and Netball Australia have been working closely with their government­s around MIQ logistics.

The increased complicati­on of New Zealand’s lockdown and restrictio­ns meant there was uncertaint­y.

Netball New Zealand chief executive Jennie Wyllie said the latest Covid19 outbreak had added complexity around organising the test series.

“It is exciting to host England on our shores again. I would like to acknowledg­e the huge amount of work that both England Netball, Netball Australia and our Netball NZ team have worked tirelessly over a period of many months to enable the tour to get to this point,” she said in a statement yesterday.

“We have been working closely with Government, Sport NZ and High Performanc­e Sport NZ over many months to facilitate this tour.

“We want to ensure our athletes have the best possible opportunit­ies to compete as we head towards the Commonweal­th Games in 2022.

“However, the health and safety of our players, administra­tors and fans is our priority and we will continue to follow all government guidance,” Wyllie said.

Tickets will be released for the matches if and when Christchur­ch moves to alert level 1.

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