Weekend Herald

Why the rush to buy bonds with negative returns?

In uncertain times, investors will pay for relative safe haven, says adviser

- Liam Dann


Why are investors flocking to bond markets to buy assets with negative interest rates? About one quarter of global bonds (US$17 trillion worth) now provide negative returns.

“In an uncertain environmen­t people don’t want to lose money so they go to bonds as a safe-haven,” says Pie Funds chief executive Mike Taylor.

Bond markets can seem complex and difficult to understand. There’s a counterint­uitive aspect to the way they trade.

“The easiest way to look at it is that when the yield of the bond goes

down, the price of a bond goes up,” Taylor says. “It’s opposite of what you might expect with shares”.

It is important to remember that when you see media stories about US$17t ($26.6t) of negative-yielding bonds, they are not all being issued that way, he says.

“So not necessaril­y that many government bonds have been issued with a negative yield. They might be issued at, say, 1.5 per cent, but demand for those bonds is so strong that the price is pushed up and that means you’re buying something that over a 10-year period will give you a negative return.”

Investors are prepared to pay for certainty and because the demand for certainty is so high in the current market there are good returns being

made even for low-yielding assets, Taylor says.

A good example is two 100-year bonds issued in recent years by Austria and Argentina.

If you bought the Austrian bond you would have doubled your money, even though the yield was just mid 2 per cent, because of the demand for that safer haven, Taylor says.

If you had bought an Argentinia­n bond you would have lost half your money — even though the yield was

close to 8 per cent — because people think they won’t be able to repay that.

“So there are risks with bonds, they are not always safer havens and people who are buying bonds with long-term maturity need to be a bit careful at the moment,” he says.

“What happens if things don’t turn out as badly as [expected]?”

The positive side is simply that the cost of borrowing is extremely low.

“For Kiwis it’s good if you’ve got a mortgage,” Taylor says.

Mortgages are at historic lows and that’s good for consumers.

“In these Western economies that rely on the consumer, things just keep moving along. If you’ve still got a job, you’ve still got money, everything’s hopefully okay,” Taylor says.

What’s less clear is how sustainabl­e this will be.

“A decade ago we had a race to the bottom on equity markets, now we’ve got a race to the bottom in terms of interest rates and bond investors are

doing very well out of that.

“It is concerning because when you get to this point you reach what in the industry we call TINA — there is no alternativ­e.”

Unless there is a major shift in the global economy — such as a resolution to the trade war — it looks like we would be in the same environmen­t for some time yet, Taylor says.

“Economies will keep slowing and there will be pressure on rates to go lower.”

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