Weekend Herald

A Quick Word


Walking in the city yesterday was a pleasure. A pleasure not experience­d since the Lime trial commenced. Larry Robbins, Rothesay Bay.

Now that Cardinal Pell is behind bars, it’s probably safe to say other, yet to be detected, abusers would be lifting their eyes heavenward and saying “there but for the grace of God go I”.

Peter Culpan, Te Atatu Peninsula.

John T should be pleased he has been “excommunic­ated” by the Labour Party. By disassocia­tion from Labour he and Christine Fletcher will certainly get more votes. Michael Walker, Blockhouse Bay.

Lucky for us the Pacific Islands are excluded from this World 12-team rugby comp. Shame though, only fair they get some of that cash. Glenn Forsyth, Taupo¯.

I found your editorial, “MPs will rise above own CGT interests” incredibly naive. These are the same MPs who over the years have voted themselves the most lucrative superannua­tion and retirement benefits imaginable.

Rod Lyons, Muriwai.

Surely those MPs who would be affected by CGT because they own several properties should exclude themselves from voting on the issue in Parliament. How much clearer could a conflict of interest be? Susan Grimsdell, Auckland Central.

Having spent a week trialling the proposed

40km/h and 30km/h car speed limits, I can report this seems yet more bureaucrat­ic nonsense from Auckland Transport, considerin­g

85 per cent of city road accidents occur at less than the existing reasonable speed limits. Hylton Le Grice, Remuera.

Mike Hosking laments the decreased space for his beloved car. Does he ever consider the effect on the planet of the gas coming from the exhaust of his and millions of other vehicles. Get on ya bike Mike.

P. Skipworth, St Johns.

Your columnist Brian Rudman should visit Orewa. There he will see not only does footpath not mean footpath but also that walkway doesn’t mean walkway. John Riley, Orewa.

Simon Wilson describes shed 10 on Queens Wharf as “beautiful” and the state house as “magnificen­t”. Maybe he should have gone to Specsavers.

Howard Moore, Orewa.

Headlines said $2.4 billion spent on gambling.

No mention of the hundreds of millions we spend on Lotto. Is Lotto not gambling?

Bob Wichman, Botany.

MPs will rise above their own CGT interests and pigs might fly.

John Clements, Orewa.

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