Weekend Herald

Little lady arrives at last for parents of 10 sons

- Cherie Howie

After 10 princes, Lady-Joe Tangata Terekia has her princess.

The Waikato mum and husband Nga Tangata have welcomed, in dramatic fashion, a baby girl to their family of 10 sons.

The Herald on Sunday met the family on Mother’s Day last year, when TangataTer­ekia was five months pregnant with her 11th child and hoping for, but not confident of, a girl.

On October 14, her dream came true, when Sparkle-Tiare¯ arrived, unplanned, in the family home at Horotiu, north of Hamilton.

“It was 3pm when my waters broke, and I wanted to push.

“She fell out on the floor of the sitting room [at 3.30pm].”

All the family were present and it was eldest son, 24-year-old Master-Lee, who told his mum she had the little girl she had hoped for.

“That was so special. I just never thought that it would happen to me. Everyone says a girl is special. She’s so pretty and she has sparkly eyes and long eyelashes.”

All her children were gifts, but she was enjoying discoverin­g the difference­s of having a daughter, among them that a baby girl’s cry was different to a boy’s.

She had figured they were the same, but little Sparkle-Tiare had surprised her. “It’s like being a new mum again.” Hearing the words “daughter” and “sister” had been another thrill.

“It’s just not something I hear in my household.”

Her sons, who are aged between 2 and 24, adored their baby sister, who had also made the home “softer and calmer”, TangataTer­ekia said. There was no jealousy, she said. “They call her their princess, and they’re very protective of her.” The baby, now 4 months, was the apple of her smitten dad’s eye. “She’s definitely a daddy’s girl.” Girls’ clothing collected over 20 years was finally being put to use as well, TangataTer­ekia said.

“I’ve got boxes and boxes of shoes, dresses and ribbons,” she said.

And TangataTer­ekia and Tangata, who support their large brood through running their own fitness and constructi­on businesses and who also involve the whole family in the household chores, haven’t ruled out adding more children to the family.

TangataTer­ekia said last year she “never says we can’t afford to” when it comes to having more children: “It’s just food and love.”

At 41, she thinks she has “a couple more” pregnancie­s in her. And she’d love another daughter, both for herself and for her baby girl.

“I’ve love to give her a sister, so I wouldn’t become obsessed with her and so she doesn’t grow up so spoiled.”

 ??  ?? Lady-Joe TangataTer­ekia (pictured) and husband Nga Tangata were delighted to add baby girl SparkleTia­re¯ to their family of 10 sons, nine of whom can be seen in the picture below.
Lady-Joe TangataTer­ekia (pictured) and husband Nga Tangata were delighted to add baby girl SparkleTia­re¯ to their family of 10 sons, nine of whom can be seen in the picture below.

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