Weekend Herald

A quick word


I am astounded to see plastic bags still being used at a high rate. Treat yourself to a supply of attractive shopping bags. Purchases travel well and it’s easier to transport too.

Judith Bouwman, Torbay.

Trump should base his thoughts on more profound philosophy. Perhaps that of Jesus, who said: “Blessed are the peacemaker­s”. Or maybe Descartes, who did not say: “I think, therefore Iran”.

Eion Field, Hamilton.

Mother nature is one step ahead of David Parker, reducing cow numbers all by herself. Now all Parker has to do is convince us to eat less meat and dairy products.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay.

Australian professor David Goodall, aged 104, chose to end his life this week in Switzerlan­d, which has been facilitati­ng this since 1942.

Dave Miller, St Mary’s Bay

German astronomer Heinrich Olbers (1758-1840) effectivel­y said there are so many stars in our galaxy and the universe that our night sky should be completely illuminate­d. Explanatio­ns for our dark night sky are unconvinci­ng.

Rod Matthews, Melbourne.

The PM has jumped the gun not issuing new licences for oil and gas exploratio­n. It would have been more appropriat­e to do so when we have developed electric planes and ships.

Dr Brian Earnshaw, Mt Roskill.

It would appear anyone aspiring to be a politician in Australia would need to prove his lineage right back to the convict ship his ancestors arrived on. Brian Cuthbert, Army Bay.

Just look at the map for the Auckland to airport suggestion. Look at the obvious alternativ­e. Look at the usage. Look at the potential. Look at the cost. Above all, look at the intelligen­ce of the decision makers.

John Roxburgh, Mission Bay.

To those who complain about the noise of the police helicopter in the wee hours — buy some good ear plugs or move away from crime infested Auckland where crime fighting is a 24 hour necessity.

Peter Culpan, Te Atatu Peninsula.

I think we can safely say we have seen the last of Winston and the NZ First Party. What a ridiculous amount of money he has proposed to spend on aid to the Pacific nations. Jock MacVicar, Hauraki.

I can easily believe former Health Minister Jonathan Coleman had no idea what poor condition our hospitals are in. The politician­s do not live in the same world when it comes to health. Chas Benest, Snells Beach.

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