Weekend Herald

How good is your knowledge of the week in politics?


1. What country did Bill English visit this week? a. Australia b. Cook Islands c. Samoa 2. Who is highest candidate on the Green Party list who is not currently an MP? a. Jack McDonald b. Golriz Gharaman c. Chloe Swarbrick 3. How much did retired High Court Judge Robert Smellie give to the Labour Party? a. $ 50,000 b. $ 95,00 c. $ 115,000 4. Who promoted GE for bird predators as one of the measures to protect native birds? a. Forest and Bird b. The Parliament­ary Commission­er for the Environmen­t c. Green Party 5. How much did Police Minister Paula Bennett say will be available for the prevention of robberies at dairies? a. $ 2 million b. $ 1.8 million c. $ 1.3 million 6. Which party accused National of stealing its policy on dairy robberies? a. New Zealand First b. Act c. Labour 7. Which organisati­on is set to investigat­e state sector productivi­ty as announced by Finance Minister Steven Joyce? a. The Productivi­ty Commission b. The Treasury c. NZ Initiative 8. Which country did Foreign Minister Gerry Brownlee visit this week? a. Singapore b. Mexico c. Fiji 9. Which New Zealand First MP railed against “unwanted political correctnes­s” when Otago Regional Council decided it would no longer use the term “Gypsy Day” to describe sharemilke­rs’ moving day? a. Ron Mark b. Fletcher Tabuteau c. Richard Prosser 10. Which member of Donald Trump’s cabinet is due to visit New Zealand next week? a. Defence Secretary James Mattis b. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer c. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Answers: 1. c,2. c, 3. c, 4. b, 5. b, 6. b, 7.a, 8. c, 9. c, 10. c

 ??  ?? Robert Smellie
Robert Smellie

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