Weekend Herald



Fill in the missing words from this Herald headline: “Who would have thought ----- ------- would

become Foreign Secretary?” Which poet- politician had a copyright case thrown out for being “vexatious” and “a waste of the court’s time”? Which “household names” did new UK Prime Minister Theresa May snipe at when she said they refuse to work with authoritie­s to fight terrorism? Auckland beret- wearer Penny Bright hasn’t paid rates since 2007 but found $ 200 to contest the mayoralty. On election night she owed the council $ 29,674, $ 39,674.34c or $ 49,674.68c? “I wasn’t the one who was found with his pants down in the Ngati Whatua room.” Who said it, and on what occasion? In the US Presidenti­al election, who got at least 2.8 million more popular votes? And in Brexit, what was the Brexiteers’ margin over those who voted stay – 800,000, 1 million, 1.2m? An UN special rapporteur on racism called on political leaders in which country to denounce divisive and racist rhetoric in their parties? An article in the Guardian observed: “They both have a personal story about business acumen and the notion that making money is the high art of society and the hallmark of good character.” Who are “they”? Which Pommy politico won $ 1800 with this limerick in the Spectator: “There was a young fellow from Ankara who was a bit of a wankerer, till he sowed his wild oats with the help of a goat, but didn’t even stop to thankera”?

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