Waikato Times

What nurses want to hear

- Paul Goulter

Chief executive of New Zealand Nurses Organisati­on Tō pū tanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa

I’ve been listening to Grant Robertson foreshadow today’s Budget. I like his terminolog­y – I just hope we are talking about the same things.

As chief executive of the largest health union in Aotearoa New Zealand I’m pleased the Budget will be all about health, because Robertson is right, we need a new health system that actually meets the needs of our nation. He’s also right that the foundation­s of that system will require sustained investment and that spending must result in value for money, targeted where it can make a difference.

Of course, I am thinking of the frontline, and nurses in particular. There have been signals that a focus of this Budget will be paying off the debts of the outgoing DHBs. That’s fine, but it would be a mistake to do that at the expense of the frontline workers. There is no better value and nothing that will make more of a difference in health than safely staffed and properly resourced hospitals and medical services.

Nurses (including healthcare assistants, midwives and kaimahi hauora) are doing it tough because there is a nursing shortage crisis right across the sector. Immigratio­n windows have been shut for years, so there are no new nurses from overseas. Desperate and dire working conditions are causing many to leave the profession, and those left behind are labouring in workplace environmen­ts most would describe as unbearable. They are heartbroke­n every day because they do not have the time or resources to provide proper care.

That’s why I expect to see a significan­t allocation of funds tomorrow to address this crisis. You can tinker with bureaucrac­y to make it more efficient. You can replace the fragmented DHBs with two shiny new health authoritie­s. You can build more hospitals and buy more beds. But without trained nurses all that spending will come to nothing.

The first thing the Government must do is honour its promise to backdate the DHB nurses’ pay equity settlement to December 31, 2019. It must then extend the new base rates to every nurse, everywhere, so nurses can work where they feel called to, instead of just where the better money is.

Failure to honour that backpay commitment will cost the Government far more in terms of the last remaining shreds of goodwill nurses have than it will ever save them in dollars.

Failing to roll out those better rates across the board will perpetuate health inequaliti­es. Nurses working for Mā ori and iwi providers, for example, earn more than 30% less than their DHB colleagues and a new Mā ori Health Authority won’t solve much while that basic inequity remains.

Investing in health must start with addressing the 4000-plus nursing vacancies we estimate nationwide right now. We need to see investment in nurse education, free training and intensive recruitmen­t drives, but before young people will want to actually become nurses the Government’s approach must change. Members tell us decades of underfundi­ng, not listening, not consulting and failing to keep promises about pay and safe staffing have led to experience­d nurses not recommendi­ng nursing as a career option. You get better money and treatment picking fruit. How does that make any sense?

We need more Mā ori and Pasifika nurses and a health system that works culturally for our tā ngata whenua. We agreed to that when we signed Te Tiriti, but it’s never been taken seriously. Perhaps it will now with the Mā ori Health Authority, but one thing is certain, we all pay dearly when Mā ori lag so horribly behind in terms of health outcomes.

Together these things make up the focus of the NZNO’s campaign work this year, and we will be relentless in pursuing these goals. We know, too, that the public are behind us. Thank you.

Today is indeed crunch time. Nurses are the foundation of the health system, and they require the sustained investment Grant Robertson is talking about. Will this Budget be good for nursing and therefore good for the health of all, or will it be one more poorly targeted initiative that fails to make a difference or deliver value for money?

We have the fixes, and the heart to help the Government with this crisis. Let’s talk and get this problem solved once and for all.

 ?? ?? ‘‘There is nothing that will make more of a difference in health than safely staffed and properly resourced hospitals and medical services,’’ Paul Goulter, inset, writes.
‘‘There is nothing that will make more of a difference in health than safely staffed and properly resourced hospitals and medical services,’’ Paul Goulter, inset, writes.

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