Waikato Times

What you said

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Music to my ears

I do not usually break into print but I just had to say something about the article regarding John and Carla Psathas [Couples, March 20]. I have heard some of his music and while mainly preferring more convention­al music, his is very interestin­g and indeed enjoyable. I was delighted to learn more about the happy pair and I love that they live in New Zealand.

Wellington seems like a good place with so much happening there especially in the music world. The

CSO puts on a lot of concerts but we are a little rationed hearing from the NZSO and it is usually on a Wednesday evening when I have choir practice.

I have a second cousin living in Corfu, married to a Greek professor of linguistic­s so I also feel a connection in that department.

May they continue to be happy in New Zealand and all best wishes to them both. A special thank you to Sarah Catherall for her article.

Best wishes,

Barbara Cottrell

History is my favourite

There are many parts of YW that I read and digest, but the History Corner is my favourite half page. This week [March 20] R Meyrick is delivering milk with his two trusty lads in St David’s Street, Lyttleton in the 1920s.

A month or so ago the history corner featured the Mangahao Power Station east of Shannon. This power station was the oldest one in the north island of New Zealand. I spent my primary school years at the Shannon Primary school.

Brian Collins

Special deliveries

Your photo of the milkman with his horse and cart (YW March 20) brought back memories of Harry Shaw at Raumati South in the 1930s (and 40s?) bringing milk on his farm cart to the people who’d bought sections for holiday baches when he’d subdivided part of his farm.

And in 1951, when I was boarding in Epsom near the training college, my landlady and her neighbours were ready with their little shovels to pop out after the milkman’s cart had passed to see who the horse had honoured today with a contributi­on to fertilise their garden.

Jenny Chisholm

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