Waikato Times




1. Sheepish sort of joint that gets sleeved (3,2,6)

7. Breaking a relic very quietly held to make one lame (7)

9. Take a sound look at bridge supporter (4)

11. He was switched on to begin with, being nimble (5)

12. One was advised there would be strife with a donkey


14. Happy occasions to visit Tees, if so disposed (11)

18. The bureau is no longer being chilled (6)

20. Many times, five is a factor ——- (5)

22. A bird one will get ready to fire (4)

23. Puts in for something in signs of battering (7)

24. Is caught, held — and got ready to be done up? (11)


2. How to make its peel in the form of a letter (7)

3. It is a suitable rendezvous (4)

4. One, in repeatedly getting on, may have one in tears (5)

5. Leading Socialist with a common ill will tell one off (5)

6. The lady at the union meeting (5)

8. Apheticall­y, a boy who was learning his trade (8)

10. As much as can be carried behind the shafts? (8)

13. Woman seen the day before (3)


15. Twice Ten engages the East in a friendly relationsh­ip


16. 30s song that was light entertainm­ent? (5)

17. Do so with teeth strikingly (5)

19. There are some terrific huddles round the cape (5)

21. An omen one can put one’s name to (4) YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

Across: 1. Distaff 5. Tabor 8. Chatter 9. Lowly 10. Double top

12. Roe 13. Night 17. Aim 19. Annoyance 21. Drive

22. Kindred 24. Urent 25. Ditcher

Down: 1. Decode 2. Stature 3. Apt 4. First 5. Telepathy

6. Bower 7. Rhymed 11. Lineament 14. Monarch 15. Landau

16. Tender 18. Maize 20. Naked 23. Nut

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