Waikato Times




1. The bassinet is to blame – or u-part of it (12)

8. If lively, one will get married and get around (8)

9. Curve round which one is mad to be (4)

11. German industrial centre seen going around the South


12. Roman writer silently understood us (7)

13. He doesn’t say anything when acting (4)

15. The prophet is one who will use his eyes (4)

19. Express without halting (3-4)

20. Rum sort of drink that grows naturally (5)

22. Is willing to be the spoil of the chase (4)

23. Having cried, let it become abandoned (8)

24. This Day in November the king appointed an exchequer officer (12)


2. Puts it out when times are changing (5)

3. A way one will behave boastfully: begone! (6)

4. One needs no artistic talent to draw it (6)

5. The rest let it out that it was in support of the board (7)

6. If brute dirties it in such a way, hand it out afresh (12)

7. Company administra­tor who can cope with auctions, no doubt (5,7)

10. Having one spot a service one can’t get back (3)

14. Perhaps I’m in when Mother is around: that’s the least of it (7)

16. No alternativ­e in a tale of a filthy place (3)

17. It will come into view quietly in a fruit (6)

18. A forbidding thing behind the sailor (6)

21. One may find her in a river overseas (5) YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

Across: 1. Cherub 8. Ambit 9. Censure 11. Demented

12. Usury 15. Dive 16. May 17. Pail 19. Dummy 21. Muleteer

24. Tantrum 25. Lupin 26. Turret

Down: 2. Heels 3. Rosaries 4. Bird 5. Haver 6. Obit 7. Stud

10. Eel-basket 12. Undo 13. Splutter 14. Play 18. Stone

20. Mouse 21. Milk 22. Lips 23. Rant

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