Waikato Times




1. She was a lady who lent me a gown to change into (11) 8. The proportion of air to the mixture (5) 9. How Nero sat about with one of his legislator­s (7) 10. Nabs one from the rear, perhaps, on the streets (7) 11. It is, approximat­ely, an attack of ‘flu (5) 12. Rod, all that could be made for a buck (6) 14. There’s a skilful raid to be carried out (6) 18. Dealer tries to hold it, being watchful (5) 19. There is contempt for India’s confusion about start of democracy (7) 21. People could fret about such agitation (7) 23. Is living evil a form of it? (5) 24. Candy prices are altered as being a variance of facts (11)


1. A wreath for Gran lad made up (7) 2. Is unaffected by being neither above nor below the note (7) 3. They are British sportsmen in their pride (5) 4. No more sage is to be found in the occident (6) 5. The sort of roof man’s put on a road (7) 6. One may take a wrench to it, wanting to get at the kernel (3) 7. A measure of gold is used in sizing stones (5) 13. Crest as given to one in part employment (7) 15. A standing cheer could make one too vain (7) 16. Sixpence, last of money used where hides were treated (7) 17. Journalist who might be tried for including nothing (6) 18. If it turns up in the wrong fax, stick it on (5) 20. It may raise a note that’s ready to be cutting (5) 22. Free one from one found in the road (3)

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