Waikato Times

Mueller’s message to other targets: Beware, I’m coming


"Oh, man, they couldn't have sent a message any clearer if they'd rented a revolving neon sign in Times Square.''

Patrick Cotter, former federal prosecutor

The one-two punch delivered by special prosecutor Robert Mueller - an indictment of President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, and a guilty plea from a former campaign adviser - is designed to send a powerful message to everyone else caught up in the probe: the prosecutor­s aren’t bluffing.

‘‘This is the way you kick off a big case,’' said Patrick Cotter, a defence lawyer in Chicago who once worked as a federal prosecutor in New York alongside Andrew Weissmann, who is spearheadi­ng the prosecutio­n of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates.

On the same day the indictment was unsealed, prosecutor­s also announced a guilty plea and cooperatio­n from former campaign adviser George Papadopoul­os about his interactio­ns with people linked to the Russian government. Papadopoul­os has admitted lying to FBI agents who questioned him about those contacts, according to court records.

‘‘Oh, man, they couldn’t have sent a message any clearer if they’d rented a revolving neon sign in Times Square,’' Cotter said. ‘‘And the message isn’t just about Manafort. It’s a message to the next five guys they talk to. And the message is: ‘We are coming, and we are not playing, and we are not bluffing.’ ‘’

Cotter pointed to several details in the Manafort indictment that suggest how steep a climb it will be to beat the charges.

First, US$18 million in alleged money laundering carries the likelihood of many years in prison. Second, the charges may be tough to defend because they involve not reporting bank accounts on tax forms for multiple years. And finally, the indictment goes out of its way to kneecap a standard defence argument in such cases that the defendant got bad advice from their accountant.

The indictment charges that Manafort wrote specifical­ly to his accountant that he did not have such accounts.

‘‘In fighting these kind of cases, the first line of defence is usually, ‘My accountant should have told me’ or something like that,’' Cotter said. ‘‘Here, the prosecutor is sending a shot across the bow, saying, ‘Don’t even try it’. And even a really good lawyer will have a hard time getting past that.’'

Cotter said that if he were one of the lawyers for the subjects in the Mueller probe, ‘‘I would be telling my clients, ‘This is real, and whatever hope we had that maybe they wouldn’t get anywhere, those rosy scenarios, we need to forget that’ ‘’.

Prosecutor­s, he said, ‘‘have now primed the pump, but that doesn’t mean they will get all the way to the top’'.

As important as the Manafort indictment is, the Papadopoul­os plea ‘‘is a big deal’' that ‘‘goes much closer to the issue of collusion’’, according to Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor with expertise in national security.

The fact that Papadopoul­os had been cooperatin­g for three months was important, too, he said. ‘‘Who else is cooperatin­g that we don’t know about? That’s what people in the White House need to be worried about.’'

Nick Akerman, a former assistant special Watergate prosecutor, said the court filings ‘‘all spell bad news for Trump’'.

Akerman said he could not see any defence to the Manafort indictment. ‘‘He has no choice but to plead guilty. That’s what the indictment says to me.

‘‘The only defence that you’ve got is to go in there and start singing like a canary to avoid jail time. And once he starts singing, one of the tunes is bound to be Donald Trump.’'

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