The TV Guide

Compass points south: Silicon Valley star’s character could be set to take a turn for the worse.


n person, Thomas Middleditc­h is just as endearing as Richard Hendrix, the computer genius character he plays on

But he clearly possesses considerab­ly more social skills.

Although his characteri­sation might seem a little extreme at times, Middleditc­h assures

that these kinds of people definitely exist.

“I’ve met a Richard Hendrix in my travels through that world,” says Middleditc­h. “Talks a million miles a minute about stuff that you’re like, ‘I think I get what you’re saying, I’m not sure.’ And clearly has the burden of being smarter than everyone else.” In the current season of

– the fourth – Richard has broken away from the guys he has spent three years working with to try his own thing. And it isn’t going especially well.

“He’s got to succeed, and I think there’s a little bit of desperatio­n that happens,” says Middleditc­h. “His strong moral compass that he’s had up until this point definitely gets tested and it paves the way, I think, for maybe next season to be flirting with a micro

scenario. That’s what I’m hoping for.”

Middleditc­h identifies as a tech-head himself.

“Well I like Instagram. I throw those social apps under the bus so much but then I’m a big user of them. I’m a big gamer.” The actor says that being on

has granted him access into the higher end of that world, which he has been exploiting of late, and he ponders getting personally involved in a start-up.

“Me being able to walk into like Greylock (a venture capital firm) or have meetings with people at Kleiner Perkins (another venture capital firm) or something has a great deal to do with the fact that

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