The Timaru Herald

Rugby union assists club as assaults investigat­ed

- Yashas Srinivasa

“SC Rugby do not condone behaviour that does not reflect our values and high expectatio­ns ... Once this has been dealt with through the correct channels, we will address as required.”

Tim Hyde-Smith SCRFU chief executive

The South Canterbury Rugby Football Union has been advised of an investigat­ion into a serious assault involving members of the Mackenzie Rugby Football Club at Fairlie last month.

SCRFU chief executive Tim Hyde-Smith said the union, along with NZ Rugby, had offered its support to all parties involved “and will continue to do so”, following the incident at Fairlie on March 9.

“SC Rugby do not condone behaviour that does not reflect our values and high expectatio­ns,” Hyde-Smith said.

“SC Rugby in conjunctio­n with NZ Rugby are assisting the Mackenzie Rugby Club in their investigat­ions into the matter and together are working through the process.”

On Thursday, police confirmed an investigat­ion was under way following reports of two serious assaults in Fairlie on March 9 that left a person requiring hospital treatment.

A police spokespers­on said details of the incidents were scant, but they said two assaults had been reported at a Fairlie property on that date.

“Five local males are assisting police with their inquiries and an investigat­ion is ongo- ing.”

Police said they expected to be able to give an update on the investigat­ion in the coming week.

A police spokespers­on said there was no update on the matter when asked about it yesterday.

The Mackenzie Rugby Football Club declined to respond to several questions put to it yesterday, including whether the club was aware of the incident, whether it was assisting police with inquiries or whether any players had been stood down while the matter was investigat­ed.

The club season would start today. An email, sent by club secretary Amanda O'Brien, said: “The MRFC has no comment to make as the matter is under police investigat­ion.”

When asked whether he was aware of any players being stood down while the matter was investigat­ed, Hyde-Smith said: “Mackenzie Rugby is dealing with this.”

When asked about the possible ramificati­ons for those involved, Hyde-Smith said the matter was “under police investigat­ion”.

“Once this has been dealt with through the correct channels, we will address as required.”

Hyde-Smith said the SCRFU had recently partnered with the “What about you?” initiative, which aimed to educate players that rugby was more than a game.

“’What about you’ is about supporting players on and off the field. It flags red behaviour and is based around supporting safely, wellbeing and fair play.

“It’s about supporting player and community wellbeing.”

He said over the next month, the union intended to “connect further with our clubs around this”.

 ?? AIMAN AMERUL MUNER/STUFF ?? South Canterbury Rugby Football Union chief executive Tim Hyde-Smith said SC Rugby and NZ Rugby had offered its support to all parties involved.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER/STUFF South Canterbury Rugby Football Union chief executive Tim Hyde-Smith said SC Rugby and NZ Rugby had offered its support to all parties involved.

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