The Timaru Herald

Peter McIlraith


1. Climate change is a global issue. It is best handled at ‘‘nation State level’’. Having said that, Canterbury must take action to reduce carbon emissions wherever possible. We in New Zealand must be vigilant not to get sucked up in the hysteria currently being displayed by many activists. To destroy our economic base is the worst scenario when attempting to mitigate or adapt to a new environmen­t. ECan must set policy that reduces CO2 while still able to maintain the region’s economic and social wellbeing

2. No. But I support the need for land use change when irrefutabl­e evidence shows excessive nitrogen leaching. I support a max cap to a lower level and then a methodolog­y of equal allocation.

3. The people of Timaru have been bossed and bruised by a non-democratic regional council. Autocratic rulings around the life of log burners have not had the sensitivit­ies of a democratic council. I know people who have experience­d cold homes in fear of prosecutio­n, with smoke police and veiled threats scaring folk. Working on the moisture of firewood and removing availabili­ty of coal would be more acceptable to me.

4. South Canterbury stakeholde­rs are too remote from the decision-making mechanism in Christchur­ch. ECan needs to move actions and decision making to a local area, i.e. South Canterbury. The best on the ground results have come from the ‘‘nonstatuto­ry’’ local catchment groups

5. Funding and support of local catchment group has the result of giving ownership to the projects as well as understand­ing of what can be achieved. The ‘‘first steps’’ programme has some excellent ECan staff who can bridge the divide between locals and the regulatory monstrosit­y.

6. I have political experience both in training and in a practical sense. I have served on zone committees and currently the regional committee of the Canterbury water

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