The Southland Times

Iwi honey not so sweet

- Damian Rowe

About 1000 Nga i Tahu members were welcomed during a powhiri in Invercargi­ll yesterday as the South Island iwi hosts its biennial hui in the city.

The three-day event kicked off at ILT Stadium Southland and an open forum was held in the afternoon.

Nga i Tahu’s honey investment was questioned at the forum. Nga i Tahu Holdings-owned Oha

Honey LP reported a net deficit of $62.4 million this year.

Company chairman Mark Tume said it had been a particular­ly troublesom­e investment.

Nga i Tahu Holdings had not done a good job of analysing the risk of the investment when venturing into the honey business, Tume said.

In the case of Oha Honey, a downturn in the market and the weather conditions for the past three seasons were not productive for business, he said.

Oha Honey chief executive Nadine Tunley said when Nga i Tahu invested in the industry it was trending upwards and everyone wanted to invest in it.

One of the challenges was that it had signed 10-year land access agreements and the company had to get out of some of those agreements, Tunley said.

‘‘We have gone to a dark, deep place in the trenches and we have to work our way out of that.’’

Another point of difficulty was changing the brand name from Watson & Son to Oha Honey.

China, which made up 30 per cent of Oha Honey’s market, had reacted unfavourab­ly to the name change, she said.

The business needed to retreat from some regions, such as Northland and East Cape, because of unfavourab­le weather conditions but due to ongoing agreements it would take some time to get out of contracts.

Overall Nga i Tahu Holdings recorded a $37.5m net profit for the year, which was below expectatio­ns and down from $153.7m in the previous year.

The only other business to record a deficit was Nga i Tahu Farming, which had a net deficit of $10.3m.

Today, the hui will highlight kaupapa (projects) happening in Murihiku Southland, including Predator Free Maukahuka, and research into the impact of plastic waste on tıtı (mutton-bird) chicks.

Also on offer are a hikoi to the Waituna lagoon and a charter trip to Ruapuke Island, followed by entertainm­ent from Mara TK, Saelyn and Super Funk Band in the evening.

 ?? ROBYN EDIE/STUFF ?? Awarua Ru¯ nanga’s Bubba Thomson during the powhiri at Nga¯ i Tahu’s Hui-a-Iwi 2019 being held at ILT Stadium Southland.
ROBYN EDIE/STUFF Awarua Ru¯ nanga’s Bubba Thomson during the powhiri at Nga¯ i Tahu’s Hui-a-Iwi 2019 being held at ILT Stadium Southland.

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