The Southland Times

Life with hard labour for bid to sell land


A Palestinia­n court yesterday sentenced a Palestinia­n man from east Jerusalem to life in prison with hard labor for trying to sell property in the Old City to an Israeli group.

The court said that Issam Akel was convicted of ‘‘attempting to cut off Palestinia­n land and sell it to a foreign county.’’

The ruling underscore­d an increasing­ly visible battle in the city’s eastern sector that has emerged following President Donald Trump’s recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital a year ago. Since then, Israel has been taking steps to cement its control over the contested area while the Palestinia­ns have attempted to push back to maintain their limited foothold.

One of those steps has been trying to prevent Palestinia­ns in east Jerusalem from selling their properties to Jews — a major taboo that the Palestinia­n Authority is largely powerless to prevent.

The Palestinia­n Authority, which is barred by Israel from conducting political activity in Jerusalem, arrested Akel in Ramallah in October. Officials say he confessed to attempting to sell property in the Old City of Jerusalem to a Jewish settler group.

Living in east Jerusalem, Akel has Israeli residency rights and is permitted under Israeli law to sell his property to whomever he wants. Akel also is a U.S. citizen. But the Palestinia­n Authority, which claims east Jerusalem as its capital, considers land sales to Israeli Jews to be treason and even punishable by death.

Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas has never approved an execution, but he has punished Palestinia­ns for selling land to Israeli settlers in the West Bank. He has never before attempted to apply the law in east Jerusalem, which Israel has annexed and considers an inseparabl­e part of its capital.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry declined comment. But in the past, Israel has called for Akel’s release and arrested Palestinia­n officials in retaliatio­n.

A US official, meanwhile, said the US was aware of the case. ‘‘When a US citizen is incarcerat­ed abroad, the US government works to provide all appropriat­e consulate assistance,’’ said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity under diplomatic protocol.

The conflictin­g claims to east Jerusalem lie at the heart of the IsraeliPal­estinian conflict. Israel captured the area, home to the city’s most sensitive religious sites, in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it, claiming the entire city as its capital. But the annexation is not internatio­nally recognised, and the Palestinia­ns seek east Jerusalem as the capital of a future state.

Trump last year recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. –AP

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