The Southland Times



Ridiculous detail

I see Nathan Guy is claiming the new electronic system for monitoring fishing vessels is the biggest change since the introducti­on of the commercial fishing quota system.

I believe he has no knowledge of the history of his portfolio.

Instead of writing paper reports, we will do them electronic­ally. Whoopee. Someone needs to tell him that this is being done in some form or another on most boats, along with AIS tracking on most company boats, although the Ministry for Primary Industries probably doesn’t have access to a lot of it.

It is only the smaller boats, that have the least impact, that don’t – as most can’t afford it.

We already work under the most onerous system in New Zealand and probably the world.

The extra detail being included is ridiculous and in some cases unworkable on a small boat .

And at the end of the day they tell us they believe all commercial fishermen lie all the time, so I don’t see why we are being asked to fill the rubbish in anyway.

I am led to believe that changes to the rules to allow this new system were bought in in May but submission­s close in July long after they are cut in stone. So much for transparen­t Government.

The new system will start in October this year but apart from a rough outline they won’t tell tell us what we need to do until September.

All they say is we need to build systems to comply and if you don’t you will be prosecuted.

But they won’t tell us for sure what we need.

Doesn’t that sound like we are being railroaded? Cyril Lawless Riverton

Politics of envy

A man meets a politician and beseeches him ‘‘Give me a fishing rod so I may feed my starving children, for I have none’’.

The politician, who has neither rod nor ability to make one, replies.

‘‘My good fellow, that is not your problem.

‘‘See yonder man who has two fish whilst you have none.

‘‘Your problem is the world is unfair. If you elect me I will make it fair, and take from him who has more than he needs and give it to you who is in need’’.

The man asks ‘‘ What about tomorrow, and what if that man catches only one fish?’’

‘‘Then you will both be hungry, but still in need of me to keep it fair,’’ replies the politician.

This is the alternativ­e welfare Dave Kennedy offers (July 25).

Lacking any capacity to create wealth, socialists distribute wealth, destroying it in the process.

It’s what you get when feeble abilities are combined with the politics of envy Mervyn Cave Manapouri

Greens so wrong

It seems that the Green’s don’t really want to be part of the incoming Government.

Just about every week we are seeing such idiotic policy coming out of their camp; it is hard to reason with their stupidity.

The latest policy is to increase benefits by 20 per cent, so the families of non-workers can afford better living standards. Wrong! All this will do is feed the addictions to alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling.

And who is going to pay for this? Why the average Kiwi working family, whose tax rate will climb to 40 per cent from 33 per cent.

They might be better to go on the benefit rather than work if this comes in.

Now the bombshell. Ms Turei has admitted to being a welfare fraudster.

This is completely shameful. Particular­ly, as she is trying to ‘‘justify’’ it to promote the parties policy.

Will Work and Income prosecute her? Will the police investigat­e it with the same high standard as for Barclay?

If the Greens want to make a real difference to New Zealand, they should stick to environmen­tal (not mental) issues and try to get alongside all parties in Parliament, helping clean up our land, rivers and air should be the main focus for this party and make it unconditio­nal if they are to be part of the next Government.

Sticking to bringing out noncore and idiotic policy every week will banish them to the back benches once again and not help their coalition partner one bit.

English and Co will love this as it takes the media away from their own misdemeano­urs. Steve Fagerlund Winton

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