The Southland Times

A family of fighters

- HANNAH McLEOD hannah.mcleod@fairfaxmed­

Standing in the freezing wind in eastern Southland, Betty Geary, 88, was a dignified presence.

Geary is one of three remaining members of the Edendale and Wyndham Returned Services Associatio­n Women’s Section.

Ageing members and dwindling numbers have forced them to decide to close down their section.

‘‘We’re in the process of winding up,’’ Geary said.

Geary was the sole member at the Wyndham Anzac Day service yesterday.

Yet, as they close down, she says she’s not worried about the loss of memories.

She believes this generation has learned the importance of remembranc­e, and the tradition will be carried on.

‘‘There’s such a lot of stories coming out,’’ she said.

For example, she and her family had encouraged her late husband, John, to record his memories of being a German prisoner of war during World War II before he died.

Geary, who lives in Wyndham, said she met her husband after he returned from the war, and he had told her stories about his time in the POW camp after being caught in Crete. ‘‘He tried to escape a couple of times, and was caught. He was lucky he wasn’t shot.’’

She remembered telling her children they weren’t just lucky to be alive because of all those who fought, but also because their father survived.

After three years as a POW, he was released when the Americans became involved, she said.

But after a while her husband stopped talking about the war so much, until their children prompted him to write it down before he died, Geary said.

Geary also has an immense sense of pride; one of her granddaugh­ters is in the New Zealand Army, another in the air force.

Standing among about 300 people at the Wyndham Anzac Day service, Geary admitted it was an emotional day.

‘‘I’ve got my hanky here,’’ she said, reaching into her pocket.

Her tears were for her husband, who went through so much, for her young cousin, who was 21 when he died while fighting in Italy, and for her father-in-law, who fought in World War I, she said.

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