The Press

In sickness and in health for US Open

- Howard Fendrich of AP

In a year unlike any other, there will be a US Open tournament unlike any other.

‘‘There was definitely a point where, in the beginning, I was like: There is no way these tournament­s can even happen,’’ 23-time grand slam singles champion Serena Williams said about playing amid a pandemic.

Profession­al tennis returned recently from a hiatus of nearly six months caused by the coronaviru­s outbreak– and it will be back on one of its biggest stages next week, when Flushing Meadows in New York begins hosting the first Grand Slam matches since the Australian Open ended in February.

‘‘There are going to be a lot of people around the world who think we should not play tennis, that no public gathering should happen. I understand that fully,’’ said men’s No1 Novak Djokovic, who caught Covid-19 in June during an exhibition tour he organised in Serbia and Croatia that did not mandate maskwearin­g or social distancing.

‘‘But, you know,‘‘ he continued, ‘‘I think there also is going to be quite a lot of people that are going to be happy to see tennis keep going.’’

The US Tennis Associatio­n set up what it calls a ‘‘controlled environmen­t.’’ Nearly all players and their limited-to-three entourages are staying in two hotels on Long Island (eight players opted for private housing at a cost of $40,000). They’re barred from going to Manhattan.

There’s frequent testing for the coronaviru­s. One player said she got a nose swab at 7am, four hours before a match at the Western & Southern Open, the hard-court tournament being held the week beforehand at the same site used for the US Open – it’s usually played in Ohio.

There are dozens of ‘‘social distance ambassador­s’’ tasked with making sure players and others are covering their mouths and noses and staying far enough apart.

‘‘The protocols that they have are so intense,’’ said Williams, who has dealt with blood clots and lung issues. ‘‘It definitely helps me to feel safe.’’

The US Open traditiona­lly ends the Grand Slam season but goes second in 2020, because the French Open was postponed from May until late September, and Wimbledon was cancelled for the first time since World War II.

‘‘It’s been so long,’’ said Taylor Fritz, a California­n ranked 24th. ‘‘Everyone is pumped up to be back out there.’’

Well, not quite everyone will be back out there. For one thing, there will be no spectators; more than 700,000 attended last year.

Also missing? Several top players, including both 2019 champions: Rafael Nadal and Bianca Andreescu.

Roger Federer is skipping the event , too, after two knee operations. The No 1-ranked woman, Ash Barty, opted out because of the pandemic; in all, six of the top eight withdrew.

That’s not to say all of the star power is gone.

Williams renews her bid for a record-tying 24th Grand Slam singles title. The woman who beat her in the final two years ago, Naomi Osaka, is also entered.

Djokovic didn’t make up his mind about going until about a week before flying to New York. He’s won five of the past seven Grand Slam trophies to get to 17, gaining on Federer’s men’s-record total of 20 and Nadal’s count of 19.

‘‘It is definitely strange not to have Federer and Nadal – at least one of them,’’ Djokovic said. ‘‘They will be missed, without a doubt.’’

Something else absent: a strong sense of where anyone’s game stands.

That’s because of the lack of competitio­n, even if there were various unsanction­ed exhibition matches around the world (No 2 Dominic Thiem, took that to an extreme, playing 28).

Riley Opelka, a 22-year-old based in Florida who is ranked 39th, offered this take on exhibition­s: ‘‘We’re profession­al players. We play for money, at the end of the day. So when there’s a big cheque on the line . . . and there’s more incentives to win – there’s rankings, there’s points – it’s different.’’

As it happens, there’s a little less cash on offer over the coming two weeks.

The loss of ticket sales and hospitalit­y suites along with revenue sources such as merchandis­e or food and beverage contribute­d to a 6.7% decline in overall player compensati­on. The singles champions will take home $3 million each, down from $3.85 million last year.

 ?? AP ?? There’ll be lots of masks and safety precaution­s, but no spectators when the US Open starts next week.
AP There’ll be lots of masks and safety precaution­s, but no spectators when the US Open starts next week.

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