The Press

Quirky is better than drab


completed on control boxes across Christchur­ch. These will be regularly monitored for incidences of vandalism.

According to Ingles, the public feedback has been ‘‘very positive’’. People are apparently enjoying seeing a bit of colour on what is otherwise an overlooked item of street hardware.

I entertain mixed feelings about the city’s current penchant for large wall paintings, many of which blur into blandness. In artistic terms, big is not always best, especially when it tends to quickly become tired and shabby.

The idea of transformi­ng the external appearance of control boxes and the other municipal bits and pieces inhabiting any city street anywhere is already commonplac­e in Sydney where the miniature murals are a popular feature as you walk through the city.

Judging by the clusters of tourists surroundin­g them, they feature in many collection­s of holiday photograph­s.

More importantl­y, they also seem to defy the inroads of feral taggers.

Full marks to the Council’s URT for an initiative which injects colour and vibrancy into city streets. For the artists involved, it provides unique challenges – especially when they confront the ultimate test of a rough cast concrete surface. I’m sure that I’ll hear the tedious mantra ‘‘waste of ratepayers’ money and haven’t they anything better to do’’.

Personally I can’t think of any better response to this tired litany than the sight of an ugly duckling transforme­d into a colourful and quirky duck.

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