The Press



An adult tortured by a terminal illness is refused ‘‘assisted dying’’ because it is illegal and criminal. However, in New Zealand we do have ‘‘assisted dying’’. It’s called abortion.


The City Council on our behalf could further reduce our overall rates by pointing out to the Government that, as the Regional Council is not democratic­ally elected by the citizens of Christchur­ch, and instead is run by government-appointed commission­ers, it is simply another government department. It should therefore be funded from the public purse and not be a drain on the Christchur­ch ratepayer.


I love that Westport is advertisin­g itself (June 11). We have a place in Granity, 20 minutes’ drive away and often go there to recharge our batteries. Northern Buller has a great climate and lots to do and Westport reminds me of what New Zealand used to be like. Laid back, friendly and people having time to greet each other and have a chat - and the shops close Saturday afternoon until Monday (apart from the supermarke­ts) There seem to be lots of clubs to join and sports to get involved with. But most of all it’s the people and the way of life that’s a winner. Go and spend time there and have a look around, you won’t be disappoint­ed.


I ama document, inside an envelope, posted in Christchur­ch, Wednesday, May 27. I finally arrived in a PO Box in Auckland, on Thursday, June 4. Why did I take so long to get there? I was reposted from Auckland same day, June 4, and as of June 11, I have not yet arrived back in my Christchur­ch letter-box. I aman important document, people are waiting for me, and I don’t know where I am. NZ Post, perhaps you should introduce carrier pigeons, I’m sure they would be faster.


How sad to read about the inhumane shipment of thousands of live sheep. The unavoidabl­e stress for these animals taken off the land and placed in holds cannot be measured. What can be measured and we need to be informed about is how these animals fared on this journey, the outcome when they landed and their future when they land. Ethically, transparen­cy and accountabi­lity by all those who agreed to this live trade needs to be promoted and sought after by the public and the media. SPCA will prosecute for animal cruelty. The least we, the public can do is ask for informatio­n. After all sheep, cats and dogs experience similar stressors and pain inflicted by humans. Why differenti­ate when it comes to animal welfare?


Fantastic! The OCR has dropped. That means my mortgage payments should reduce in a few months time.


Prince Harry got it wrong recently when he suggested that the answer to personal developmen­t was bringing back compulsory military training. He should instead be encouragin­g us all to learn a musical instrument. Learning an instrument is learning life. It is a discipline requiring attention and patience, determinat­ion and respect. Its a commitment with rewards that transcend barriers. It encourages confidence. It’s a pleasant companion, and a harmless time waster.


We were introduced to Pam’s Choca a few months ago and we are very pleased with it. It not only tastes very much like the original Milo but it costs less as well.


"G7 says farewell to carbon fuel" screams your headline (June 10), but if you read on you will see that this will only happen by the end of this century (they hope). Yes, 85 years ahead! Why do you report such meaningles­s words without drawing attention to that timeline? Where do I find intelligen­t, investigat­ive journalism that will cast a critical eye on political statements like that?? Certainly not in The Press – you just print the stories you are fed by your overseas masters.


Is anything undergroun­d in St Asaph Street that is now not new? I was hoping that this, the third time major works have been undertaken since the quake, might be the last, but then I was hoping the work converting Tuam to one way might be completed before undertakin­g major works on the Moorhouse Ave overbridge, so there was a way across the old city. Combined with next week’s works on Madras the result will be gridlock both before and after work – at the mercy of STMS so they can park their truck in the middle of the road.


I treated myself to an electric toothbrush. The instructio­ns told me how to remove ‘‘plague’’ and bacteria. Oh dear! Something new to worry about.


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