The Post




2. He read the signs for August for your latter half (5)

5. Alexander was pontifical as a poet (4)

7. One’s first drink from a coconut perhaps (4)

8. In the farther districts one may be abroad like Ananias (8)

9. A record of a tree perhaps made with tact (8)

11. The rowing eight may have sounded exultant (4)

12. Where there can be to-ing, but not fro-ing, of traffic (3-3,7)

15. How to get sugar dissolved when in prison (4)

17. Being punctual, the editor gave one the word (8)

19. A scaremonge­r waving both arms and tail (8)

21. One’s volition to show the disposal of one’s effects (4)

22. Plant producing iron the Navy takes on (4)

23. Germany’s not got any such infective bodies (5)


1. An issue to die for in the confusion (7)

2. There is a chest in one particular kitchen (3)

3. Some trees that start growing over-wild (5)

4. Knock heard when deserter is about to say goodbye (3-1-3)

5. It will prove profitable to settle one’s bill (3)

6. Coins a writer is given? Half a cent! (5)

10. Show one’s fear to 11 Across maybe, about nothing (5)

11. To sound chicken will be of little worth, one hears (5)

13. Barking it is, in a small way (7)

14. Lister created it for his garden when about fifty (7)

16. Material is for stuffing fifty in a broken lute (5)

18. Nothing is true to form on this target ring (5)

20. It will quickly go for as long as play is showing (3)

21. It used to be the laundry that didn’t get finished (3)

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