The Post

Carnage-filled sequel full of satisfying silliness


Pacific Rim: Uprising (M, 111 mins) Directed by Steven S DeKnight ★★★1⁄2

Back in 2013, Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim was one of the unexpected treats of the year.

Well, maybe not so unexpected if you were already a Del Toro fan. Which I have been ever since Blade 2 in 2002, which had me wondering how any film with ‘‘Blade’’ and ‘‘2’’ in the title could be so much fun. Del Toro – when he’s not cleaning up the art house and the awards’ ceremonies with a Pan’s Labyrinth or Shape of Water, is an old-school creature-movie wonderkid.

He has a gift for inserting satisfying­ly idiosyncra­tic characters into storms of deeply inventive set-pieces and effects sequences that I reckon no one in the world – not Cameron, or Jackson or Bay – can match.

Del Toro’s Hell Boy and that first Pacific Rim are still my personal gold-standard for just how affecting and smart a big dumb film can be.

So, no pressure, debut director Steven DeKnight. If your Pacific Rim: Uprising doesn’t deliver, it’s just my inner-10-year-old’s heart you’ll be breaking.

Any film based on the premise of men and women piloting giant robots to defend the Earth from an invasion of dimension-crossing dragons and monsters at least has to bring the carnage, often, and in industrial quantities.

And Uprising does deliver. After a worryingly talky and explicator­y first-third, the film does get down to some satisfying­ly silly business.

With monsters – ‘‘Kaiju’’ – pouring out of the sea bed and foreshore, and a serious shortage of robots – ‘‘Jaegers’’ – and pilots to drive them, humanity is again at the brink and the apocalypse that Idris Elba’s Stacker Pentecost (Best Name Ever) ‘‘cancelled’’ in episode one has been recommissi­oned.

Stacker’s son Jake (John Boyega) is in the force now, and sharing the bro-power dynamics with Nate Lambert (Scott Eastwood, nearly a ringer for his dad).

When a rogue Jaeger in Sydney Harbour turns up to ruin the unveiling of a class of droneJaege­rs, it’s up to these two to mend their friendship and train up a multi-national assortment of teen recruits to... yadda yadda. Plots. Who needs ‘em?

This is Pacific Rim. What I want are cool effects, some great jokes, a couple of memorable lines and a set-up for a sequel worth looking forward to. And, to be fair, Uprising probably ticks enough boxes to get a pass mark. The fights come often, the characters are likeable, if a little shrill and silly at times, and Boyega does get off a couple of decent quips.

The best moment, by far, belongs to returning character Newt (Charlie Day) sinking into a mind-meld with a Kaiju brain to the strains of Foreigner’s I Want To Know What Love Is.

It’s a moment worthy of del Toro and it had me yawping with laughter in a near empty cinema. A sequel to an unexpected­ly great film is a near impossible act to pull off.

Pacific Rim: Uprising is neither a terrible disappoint­ment nor a thundering triumph. It’s an adequate second act with enough flourish and wit to send that inner10-year-old out happy enough to have seen it. Maybe it was the icecream I bought him.

– Graeme Tuckett

 ??  ?? Pacific Rim: Uprising is neither a disappoint­ment nor a triumph.
Pacific Rim: Uprising is neither a disappoint­ment nor a triumph.

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