The Post

The rogue ones

Elstree 1976 takes a melancholy look at the bit players, extras of the original Star Wars, writes Josh Rottenberg.


The next time you sit down to watch the original Star Wars, try this little experiment. Instead of focusing on Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and the rest of the film’s marquee stars, shift your attention to the movie’s peripheral players. All those extras dressed up as Jawas and Tusken Raiders and other alien creatures. All those Stormtroop­ers. All those nameless X-wing fighter pilots. What’s their story?

With his documentar­y Elstree 1976, director Jon Spira set out to put a face to some of the faceless denizens of that galaxy far, far away.

From the ill-fated bounty hunter Greedo (played by Paul Blake) to the Stormtroop­er (played by Anthony Forrest) who was persuaded that these weren’t, in fact, the droids they were looking for, Spira turns the spotlight on the supporting players and extras of the Star Wars universe and explores the unexpected, and sometimes awkward, ways in which their brief involvemen­t in George Lucas’ space opera has altered their lives.

‘‘For most of these people, this was a moment in their lives, a job they did for a couple of days,’’ Spira says by phone from his native England. ‘‘That this thing that was seemingly insignific­ant to them in their younger days is the thing that everyone lauds them for and gives them endless kudos for – I think that sits uncomforta­bly with some of them. That internal conflict is really what interested me and why I wanted to make this film.’’

At the best-known end of the film’s spectrum, there are the actors David Prowse, who physically embodied Darth Vader but whose voice was dubbed by James Earl Jones. And Jeremy Bulloch, who played the bounty hunter Boba Fett in both The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. At the other, virtually anonymous end, there are extras such as Laurie Goode, known to fans as that one Stormtroop­er who bumps his head walking through a door, and Derek Lyons, who is seen for a fleeting moment standing beside Princess Leia as she hangs a medal around Han Solo’s neck in the final scene of Star Wars.

Spira was drawn into the world of Star Wars by happenstan­ce a few years ago when a student in a screenwrit­ing class he was teaching named John Chapman mentioned by chance that he had been a nameless X-wing pilot in Star Wars. Though his role had been utterly minuscule and he had never acted in anything of note afterward, Chapman told Spira he had neverthele­ss attended numerous Star Wars convention­s over the years, signing autographs for diehard fans, something about which he felt a great deal of ambivalenc­e.

‘‘I went out to John’s car and he had all these cardboard boxes full of stacks of 8-by-10 glossy photos of him,’’ Spira recalls. ‘‘I went home that night and stuck Star Wars on, and I realised that all you could see was the back of his head and for two frames you can kind of see the side of his face. I just thought that was fascinatin­g.’’

As revealed in Elstree 1976 (named for the production studio outside London where much of Star Wars was filmed), even among the less well-known figures in the films, there are subtle hierarchie­s at play. Extras and supporting players of varying degrees of recognisab­ility in the universe jockey with one another for fans’ attention – and cash – on the convention circuit. For an actor like Angus MacInnes, who played the X-wing fighter known as Gold Leader, finding himself spurned by autograph-seekers in favour of an actor like Bulloch, whose face was never shown on screen, can sting.

For his part, Bulloch, 71, initially felt reluctant to participat­e in Spira’s film and be placed on the same level as extras. After all, his fearsome bountyhunt­er character is a longtime fan favourite – a Boba Fett spinoff film is rumoured to be in the works – and he himself has had a distinguis­hed acting career dating to the late 1950s.

‘‘I was against it, straightaw­ay,’’ he says. ‘‘Having acted for 50 years, you start getting proud about the work you’ve done in theatre – 30 different plays. But then I thought, ‘Well, these people are going to show that this amazing thing happened to them, that they were a part of Star Wars‘. That part of it is terrific.’’

Spira funded the film through Kickstarte­r and never approached Lucasfilm at any point for its input. ‘‘This isn’t a film about Star Wars,‘‘ he says. ‘‘It’s a film about these people – and Lucasfilm doesn’t own these people.’’

He admits that he isn’t sure how the universe of Star Wars fandom will receive Elstree 1976, which approaches the beloved franchise from a far different angle than the typical adoring making-of documentar­y.

‘‘Star Wars meant a huge amount to me growing up, but I didn’t come to this film as a fan at all,’’ he says. ‘‘Part of what we’re struggling with at the moment is people misunderst­anding it and I think some people being disappoint­ed because they think it’s going to be a fan film and it ends up being this bizarre, melancholy, bitterswee­t look at people’s lives.’’

That said, all those interviewe­d for the film express their love and respect for the Star Wars franchise that has had such an enduring impact on their lives.

‘‘We’re all very lucky,’’ Bulloch says. ‘‘My youngest granddaugh­ter was watching Star Wars and she said, ‘Can I watch the bit with you in it?’ I’m like, ‘Well, I wasn’t in it much ... there, that’s me’. She said, ‘Well, now you’ve gone – you went in a ship somewhere!’’’ He laughs. ‘‘It’s lovely to get that kind of reaction from the grandchild­ren.’’ – Los Angeles Times

Elstree 1976 debuts on New Zealand television on Wednesday at 8.30pm on Sky TV’s Rialto Channel.

 ??  ?? With his documentar­y Elstree 1976, Jon Spira set out to put a face to some of the faceless denizens of that galaxy far, far away.
With his documentar­y Elstree 1976, Jon Spira set out to put a face to some of the faceless denizens of that galaxy far, far away.
 ??  ?? George Lucas gets hands-on with Greedo on the set of Star Wars: A New Hope.
George Lucas gets hands-on with Greedo on the set of Star Wars: A New Hope.
 ??  ?? James Earl Jones might have provided the voice, but it was David Prowse behind the Darth Vader mask in Star Wars: A New Hope.
James Earl Jones might have provided the voice, but it was David Prowse behind the Darth Vader mask in Star Wars: A New Hope.

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