The Northern Advocate

MEN: This month, use your down time to give a mate a lift.

It’s that time again, when men of all ages start sporting ‘staches


And while Movember is all a bit of fun, The Movember Foundation want every one of these moustaches to spark serious conversati­ons and donations, to help research and programmes that will change the face of mens’ health.

Traditiona­lly, Movember has tackled men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention – and we continue to fight for improvemen­t in all of these areas. While New Zealand’s alarming suicide rates have been topical of late, Movember has funded mental health initiative­s for over 8 years and this year we are focusing on not just the issue, but the solutions.

The fact is New Zealand’s men have never been unhappier. Anxiety and depression are hitting record highs, and our suicide rate reflects that, with three in four suicides being men.

So why is men’s mental health in NZ struggling so much right now? There are numerous factors of course, and this is why Movember is raising money for research, but one factor is obvious. Kiwi men don’t talk enough about their state of mind. So how do we encourage Kiwi men to go from the strong-silent-type to just… strong?

One fact that has emerged from research is that 20% of men struggle with some form of mental illness at any given time. This is an alarming number. However, that means 80% of men are feeling good at any given time.

This year, Movember want to encourage the 80% who are feeling good to reach out and show their mates they are there for them. Even if your mates seem to be doing fine, there’s a 20% chance they aren’t. And genuine human connection has been shown to be a great form of proactive therapy.

So this month the Movember Foundation is running ‘Happy Hour’.

It’s not about cheap drinks, Movember Happy Hour is about encouragin­g Kiwis who are feeling good to take some time to catch up with their mates and show them they’ve got their back.

Every day after work, and before dinner between the hours of 5 – 6pm, they’re asking men to take some time to get in touch with a friend. Whether that’s by text, a quick phone call, a long phone call, or catching up over a beer, it could mean everything to a person who may be suffering. To make this easier for those with busy lives and responsibi­lities, The Movember Foundation is petitionin­g NZ’s biggest employers to relax their ‘knock-off’ time for all employees during the month of November.

More free time spent with people you already like… What’s not happy about that?

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