The New Zealand Herald

Allegation­s no surprise to former zoo volunteer

- Blake Benny

A former Orana Wildlife Park volunteer says she is unsurprise­d by allegation­s of poor welfare standards at the Christchur­ch zoo, claiming the issues are long-standing.

More than 20 serving and former staff members have detailed several animal deaths to 1News, some of which had not been reported.

The investigat­ion revealed two giraffes died within two months of each other. One had dislocated its neck, the other was a newborn found dead by employees in a neighbouri­ng rhino enclosure, the morning after reportedly arriving unexpected­ly.

1News also outlined a gorilla’s death by infection after staff pleas for treatment were ignored, and an otter that died after it got trapped in a pool suction pipe when the filter cap fell off.

Serena Smith volunteere­d at the park from 2009 until the end of 2014.

She told NZME she witnessed multiple “eyebrow-raising” moments with animals during her time there.

Smith recounted when a baby rhino was due to be born, and a conflict among the group (known as a crash) caused an adult male to be injured.

Smith claimed that despite the wound looking “pretty serious” and in need of proper medical attention, the issue got “shoved aside by management”.

“They were like, ‘it will be fine, just add ointment to it’,” she said.

The former volunteer said understaff­ing was a major issue during her time at Orana, and the “lack of staff and attention really affected the animals and their care”.

Smith said she chose to leave then because issues were worsening, and that it was clear since then that those problems hadn’t improved.

“I’m not surprised at all . . . but part of me is hurt, upset, angry and frustrated at how bad things have gotten.”

She said she was brought to tears after seeing recent images from past and present staffers of specific animal welfare incidents and injuries.

“I absolutely cried . . . especially seeing the gorilla, that really upset me . . . seeing the pain in his face.”

However, she acknowledg­ed it was not the fault of keepers, who were doing their best and trying to get the animal the medical attention it required.

She would like to see the park closed and the animals homed in other zoos and given the rehab they need.

Orana Wildlife Trust Board says it takes the matters raised seriously and that “staff welfare remains paramount”.

“A thorough review in relation to all matters raised is being conducted and it would not be appropriat­e to comment further whilst this process is under way,” the board said.

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said animal welfare staff were at the zoo yesterday to “undertake an initial and rapid assessment of conditions at the zoo following the latest allegation­s made by staff about its operation”.

“We want to be assured that all animals are well and healthy,” said Glen Burrell, MPI director for compliance and response.

“The zoo is subject to robust annual verificati­ons from our staff (against the Zoo Containmen­t Facility Standard), alongside regular visits from our people. The latest verificati­on report in December 2023 found the zoo was meeting requiremen­ts, with staffing at appropriat­e levels and no animal welfare issues identified.

“MPI has investigat­ed the zoo five times for historical complaints dating back to 2017 and has not found any breaches of the Animal Welfare Act. We have one active investigat­ion into an incident involving an antelope and we cannot comment further.”

Safe chief executive Debra Ashton said the reported animal deaths were “very concerning”, but acknowledg­ed it was difficult to comment without all the informatio­n.

She said she expected MPI to ensure the park’s animals “are being taken care of appropriat­ely and that the voices of the staff are being listened to”.

 ?? ?? Questions have been raised about the 2021 death of Mahali, a 12-year-old gorilla.
Questions have been raised about the 2021 death of Mahali, a 12-year-old gorilla.
 ?? ?? The zoo in Christchur­ch has been criticised after two giraffes died within two months.
The zoo in Christchur­ch has been criticised after two giraffes died within two months.

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