The New Zealand Herald

Diplomat arrives in Lebanon for peace deal


French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne arrived in Lebanon yesterday as part of diplomatic attempts to broker a de-escalation in the conflict on the Lebanon-Israel border.

Sejourne met United Nations peacekeepi­ng forces in south Lebanon and with Lebanon’s parliament speaker, army chief, foreign minister and caretaker prime minister.

France “is refusing to accept the worst-case scenario” of a full-scale war in Lebanon, he told journalist­s after the meetings.

“In southern Lebanon, the war is already here, even if it’s not called by that name, and it’s the civilian population who’s paying the price,” he said.

The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has exchanged near-daily strikes with Israeli forces in the border region — and sometimes beyond — for almost seven months against the backdrop of Israel’s war against Hezbollah ally Hamas in Gaza.

Israeli strikes have killed more than 350 people in Lebanon, most of them fighters with Hezbollah and allied groups but also including more than 50 civilians.

Strikes by Hezbollah have killed at least 10 civilians and 12 soldiers in Israel. Tens of thousands are displaced on each side of the border.

A French diplomatic official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the purpose of Sejourne’s visit was to convey France’s “fears of a war on Lebanon” and to submit an amendment to a proposal Paris had previously presented to Lebanon for a diplomatic resolution to the border conflict.

Western diplomats have brought forward a series of proposals for a cessation of hostilitie­s between Israel and Hezbollah. Most of those would hinge on Hezbollah moving its forces several kilometres from the border, a beefed-up Lebanese army presence and negotiatio­ns for Israeli forces to withdraw from disputed points along the border where Lebanon says Israel has been occupying small patches of Lebanese territory since it withdrew from the rest of south Lebanon in 2000.

The eventual goal is full implementa­tion of a UN resolution that brought to an end a brutal month-long war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006.

The previous French proposal would have involved Hezbollah withdrawin­g its forces 10 kilometres from the border.

Hezbollah has signalled willingnes­s to entertain the proposals but has said there will be no deal in Lebanon before there is a ceasefire in Gaza. Israeli officials, meanwhile, have said that a Gaza ceasefire does not automatica­lly mean it will halt its strikes in Lebanon, even if Hezbollah does so.

Sejourne declined to provide more details about the latest version of France’s proposal ahead of his planned trip to Israel tomorrow.

He said he will have “consultati­ons” with Israeli authoritie­s to move towards an agreement.

 ?? ?? Stephane Sejourne
Stephane Sejourne

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