The New Zealand Herald

Trump dines with white nationalis­t, rapper Ye


Former US President Donald Trump is renewing attention to his long history of turning a blind eye to bigotry after dining with a Holocaustd­enying white nationalis­t and the rapper formerly known as Kanye West just days into his third campaign for the White House.

Trump had dinner last week at his Mar-a-Lago club with West, who is now known as Ye, as well as Nick Fuentes, a far-right activist who has used his online platform to spew antiSemiti­c and white nationalis­t rhetoric.

Ye, who says he, too, is running for president in 2024, has made his own series of antiSemiti­c comments in recent weeks, leading to his suspension from social media platforms, his talent agency dropping him and companies like Adidas cutting ties with him.

In a statement from the White House, spokesman Andrew Bates said: “Bigotry, hate, and anti-Semitism have absolutely no place in America — including at Mar-A-Lago.”

Trump, in a series of statements said he had “never met and knew nothing about” Fuentes before he arrived with Ye at his club.

But Trump also did not acknowledg­e Fuentes’ long history of racist and anti-Semitic remarks, nor did he denounce either man’s defamatory statements.

The former president has a long history of failing to unequivoca­lly condemn hate speech. During his 2016 campaign, Trump waffled when asked to denounce the KKK after he was endorsed by the group’s former leader, saying in a televised interview that he didn’t “know anything about David Duke”.

In 2017, in the aftermath of the deadly white supremacis­t protests in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, Trump was criticised for saying there was “blame on both sides”.

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Donald Trump

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