The New Zealand Herald

Cheapest (and dearest) fuel prices

- — Meghan Lawrence

A small town in the Bay of Plenty is likely boasting the country’s cheapest petrol price, while island living comes at a cost.

As fuel companies argue the reason for high fuel prices the Herald has taken a look at the range of prices across New Zealand.

Gull in Taneatua, near Whakata¯ ne, is the place to go for cheap fuel, with the station charging only $2.10 a litre for 91, $2.21 for 98 and $1.40 for diesel.

Slightly more inland, Mobil Te Ngae in Rotorua follows closely with 91 at $2.13 a litre, 98 for $2.33 and diesel for $1.46.

The East Coast of the North Island is possibly the best area of New Zealand to live in terms of petrol prices, with Gull Gisborne charging $2.14 a litre for 91, and Waitomo and Allied in Napier charging $2.15.

On the other end of the scale, Central Otago in the South Island is probably the worst region for fuel prices. Caltex and BP 2go in Wanaka are near the top of the scale, charging $2.63 a litre for 91, $2.71 and $2.74 respective­ly for 98 and $1.99 for diesel.

Queenstown follows fairly closely behind, with the majority of its petrol stations charging $2.55 a litre for 91.

However, those choosing the luxury of island life are paying through the nose, with Z Onetangi on Waiheke Island charging a whopping $2.80 a litre for 91, $2.89 for 95, and $2.16 for diesel.

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