The New Zealand Herald

Light show honours the fallen

- Vaimoana Tapaleao

The Auckland Harbour Bridge glowed red last night with a tribute light show in honour of the fallen Anzacs.

It will also be lit up red tonight, from 6pm, just a few days out from Anzac Day.

On Anzac Day itself — next Wednesday — a special light and sound show will begin from 5am to 6.30am to coincide with the start of the traditiona­l dawn services all around the country.

The animation, run by Vector Lights, will feature references to a journey across water to a war zone.

Images of the Southern Cross can be seen, a silver fern, and there will also be special nods to the Maori Battalion. The show will end with the bridge lighting up completely in red — showing a field of poppies blowing in the wind — before going completely dark.

Those who miss it in the early morning will get another chance to see it that night, when it runs from 6pm until midnight.

Auckland RSA President Graham Gibson, a Vietnam veteran, said they were thrilled about the occasion — an installati­on he acknowledg­ed was a new way to share the Anzac story with young New Zealanders.

“This is such a fresh and innovative telling of the poppy story and a truly special way to honour the sacrifice of New Zealanders this Anzac Day.

“For the RSA, it’s not about telling how to remember, but finding new ways of rememberin­g that grow awareness for new generation­s, so that our stories of service and sacrifice will not be forgotten.”

Gibson thanked those who were making the light show possible — including the Auckland Council, lines company Vector and production company Assembly.

The Anzac lights show follows a number of lights animations featured on the Auckland Harbour Bridge to mark a number of occasions or events happening in the city or around the country.

Colourful installati­ons showed up on the bridge marking Waitangi Day as well as the recent Pasifika Festival at Western Springs.

Meanwhile, today is Poppy Day and RSA volunteers will be out with buckets and red poppys.

The annual appeal helps to fund support for veterans from World War II through to Afghanista­n and current NZ Defence Force members and their families.

Among those to benefit from the funds is a father of two from Masterton who suffers from post- traumatic stress injury. Nick Tomlin spent 25 years in the British military and served with the NZ Defence Force in a civilian post when he came here with his young family.

Funds from the Poppy Appeal last year helped to get him to the US to attend the Sparta Project in California — a programme designed to help veterans with PTSI.

NZME is an official media partner of this year’s Pin A Poppy campaign. Visit to donate — including the option to get a $3 virtual poppy via text

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